

Report Purpose & Planning Scope – 3%

Explain the purpose of the report (why you are writing this report, who is the target reader?) and state the discussion areas covered in this Assignment 2 and how it leads to Assignment 3

Part 1 – The Underlying PM Concepts

1. Program Plan Sections – 10%

Summarise the reasons why you are writing about the:

  1. Program integration overview
  2. Program term of reference
  3. The Project Management Methodology
  4. Program Governance Framework

before disclosing the explanation details.

For effective reading, we highly recommend that you use graphic organisers, such a table with appropriate columns to organise the summarised details (what, why, how) of each knowledge area.

2. Project  Integration Overview – 10%

2.1 Program Integration Definition

Research and explain what is mean by project (not program) integration from a process and data perspective. Draw a process flow diagram, clearly identifying the key data flows.

2.2 Overview of standards applied in your Program management

Specify the best or good practice standards you would use to support your program planning, execution, monitoring and control, and closure phases (NB: not all PM phases require use of such standards). Bear in mind these standards mentioned will have to be included later on, in your Program Governance Framework in Assignment 3.

Part 1 demonstrates your research, reading and comprehension, critical thinking and academic writing Part 1 is where most of your literature references are cited You need to provide at least 20 references (of which 50% must be academic peer reviewed articles) to support your claims, that will be in both written and visual forms (diagrams).

3. Program term of reference – 10%

3.1 The Client’s case story summary

A good case story, summarised or detailed, is a narrative structured for problem solving purposes. It has four key characteristics (Ellet, 2018):

  • A significant business issue or issues is raised in the story telling
  • There is sufficient information for the reader to understand the issues
  • There is no objective conclusion – in other words, no single explicit right answer
  • The information is in a story telling format, with non-linear organisation of contents (unlike a formal management report).

Using these writing guidelines, summarise the client’s case story.

3.2 The PM Methodology

First explain what a PM methodology is, listing several examples. You may find several definitions and you will need to analyse each one to generalise one for your explanation.

Then apply this generalised definition to state your own chosen PM methodology, clearly describing its composition of elements.

3.3 Program Governance Framework

Define and explain Program governance, the types and management purposes of oversight mechanisms it contains, and what whole of organisation purposes are served through these.

Consider using graphic organisers to organise and more effectively write your answer.

Support your definition with a specific example of your own Program governance framework by listing granular examples of the different oversight mechanisms you intend to apply in your Program. As a Program manager, you must also ensure your team also comply to the framework in all aspects of their Program work and even for some deliverables. Describe, supported with a diagram if needed, how you would ensure this compliance.

4. Program Team Structure – 5%

Present a visual Program organisation structure for your Program. Insert the names of people who will need to be responsible for overseeing other people’s work from different coordination and control perspectives that you, as a lead Program manager, would recommend. The unnamed positions should use meaningful labels to cross reference the roles they potentially play when recruited (eg business analyst, junior developer, senior developers, end user representative, tester, organisation implementation coordinator, IT Ops representative, vendor representatives, etc)

Briefly explain the organisation-design principles that you applied to arrive at the Program organisation structure presented.