1 为什么上市公司的董事会必须有非执行董事?
A 执行董事腐败无能。
B 执行董事通常缺乏经验。
C 非执行董事可以履行监督职责。
D 非执行董事的薪酬低于高管。
2 下列哪项是代理成本?
A 董事会会议
B 董事的薪金
C 公司财务报表的外部审计
D 公司债务利息。
3 母公司在东道国设有外国子公司
A 子公司将不对在其东道国赚取的利润征税,并且
B 子公司将为其在东道国和母公司赚取的利润纳税
C 子公司将为其在东道国和母公司赚取的利润纳税
D 子公司将为其在东道国和母公司赚取的利润纳税
1 Why are quoted companies required to have non-executive directors on their boards?
A Executive directors are corrupt and incompetent.
B Executive directors are often inexperienced.
C Non-executive directors can fulfil a supervisory role.
D Non-executive directors require lower salaries than executives.
2 Which of the following is an agency cost?
A Board meetings
B Directors’ salaries
C External audit of a company’s financial statements
D Interest on corporate debt.
3 A parent company has a foreign subsidiary located in a host country that does not
have a double tax arrangement with the parent’s home country. The foreign subsidiary
pays regular dividends to the parent company. Which of the following will apply?
A The subsidiary will not be taxed on profits earned in its host country and the
parent will pay tax on dividends in its home country.
B The subsidiary will pay tax on profits earned in its host country and the parent
will not be required to declare the dividends as taxable income in its home
C The subsidiary will pay tax on profits earned in its host country and the parent
will pay tax on dividends received in its home country.
D The subsidiary will pay tax on profits earned in its host country and the parent
will pay tax on dividends received in the subsidiary’s host country.