

1. Multi-choice knowledge test

This straightforward test will examine your knowledge of the first four weeks’ work.
While there will be particular focus on material covered in the lectures and tutorials,you will also be tested on certain readings, certain sections of your textbook, and certain videos. These can be found in the week-to-week content folders in Section 9 of the course Moodle site. We will draw your attention to these readings, book sections, and videos in plenty of time: i.e., no later than the end of Week 2… If you are reading this in Week 0 or Week 1, for now you are safe to pay serious attention to the lecture and tutorial content.

2. Environmental Scan, Conceptual Framework, & Tactical Outputs

Based on the challenges and opportunities facing your chosen client (remember, in Week 4 you choose one of three client scenarios), you are to independently offer a 2000-word document that outlines research undertaken, proposes a set of aims and objectives, offers and defends a multi-faceted conceptual framework (i.e., a framework featuring intersecting theories/models/concepts) aimed at addressing the challenges and opportunities facing your client, and signposts a suite of concept-contingent tactics. By no later than the end of Week 5, a suggested template will be provided. Leveraging knowledge gained over Weeks 1 through 4 inclusive (i.e., the material tested in A1), you will first scan the environment in which your ‘client’ is operating. This will involve triangulated secondary (principally, desk-top) research.
Due to COVID-19, the assessment will NOT involve the undertaking of primary research (for our many off-shore students this is simply not feasible) BUT you will be required to identify and discuss several relevant forms of primary research that might have been conducted AND you’ll need to identify the potential connections between these and your secondary research.

Using data/information gained from your secondary research, you will then arrive at relevant aims and objectives and detail a research-contingent conceptual framework that will ultimately drive a tactical solution. Here (in your conceptual framework) you will unpack and explain the relevance of two to three intersecting/overlapping theories, models, or concepts to be leveraged to the client’s advantage. Drawing on the client scenario itself, your secondary research apropos the trading environment, and your appreciation of relevant theory, you will then explain how these concepts will work together dynamically. The last section of this assessment is where youdetail a small suite of tactics to be driven by your conceptual framework.

In summary, the emphasis of the assessment is to have you think rationally about the reconnaissance to be undertaken (and how it is to be undertaken), thoughtfully about setting research-driven aims and objectives, strategically (that is, deeply and conceptually) in terms of selecting consonant abstractions that will drive your strategy towards the achievement of those aims and objectives, and tactically in terms of the outputs that reflect your chosen conceptual framework and that therefore operationalize your conceptual approach.


1. 多选知识测试

虽然将特别关注讲座和教程中涵盖的材料,您还将接受某些阅读材料、教科书的某些部分的测试,以及某些视频。这些可以在第 9 节的每周内容文件夹中找到课程 Moodle 网站。我们将提请您注意这些阅读材料部分和视频有足够的时间:即不迟于第 2 周结束……如果你在第 0 周或第 1 周阅读本文,现在您可以安全地认真关注到讲座和教程内容。

2. 环境扫描、概念框架和战术输出

根据您选择的客户面临的挑战和机遇(请记住,在第 4 周,您从三个客户端场景中选择一个),您将独立提供一个2000 字的文件,概述了所进行的研究,提出了一系列目标和目标,提供和捍卫一个多方面的概念框架(即,一个具有交叉理论/模型/概念的框架)旨在解决您的客户面临的挑战和机遇,并标出一套概念-临时战术。不迟于第 5 周结束时,将提供建议的模板提供。利用第 1 周到第 4 周获得的知识(即在 A1 中测试的材料),您将首先扫描您的“客户”所在的环境经营。这将涉及三角二次(主要是桌面)研究。由于 COVID-19,评估将不涉及初级研究(对于我们许多离岸学生来说,这根本不可行)但是你会需要识别和讨论几种相关的初级研究形式已经进行并且您需要确定之间的潜在联系这些和你的二次研究。

