Please answer 2 of the following questions. Note that each of your answers should be approximatively 750 words (not including the reference list).
Think about incorporating the required and recommended readings in your answers, as well as further references. Remember your answers should be structured, have a clear argument and besupported by academic references with a reference list at the end of each answer.
For each question, you should include a concrete case (mentioned in class or otner cases),Wimencould also utilise a policy document if relevant, to illustrate your point.
Considering that each answer is short, use the case to illustrate your point and ground youranalysis, but don’t think you need to provide background or details about it.
Harvard referencing style is required and please follow this format
Human rights, law, policy and social protest can be described as forming an ‘ecosystem of socialand political transformation? What do you think this claim means? Referencing one or tw
examples, discuss the multidirectional interaction between human rights, law and social protest.
2.Power and social change
Choose one perspective on power covered in the lecture and readings of week 3.Discuss how thisperspective is a useful theoretical tool to think about the ways protest might bring about socialchange (social/cultural and in the political/legal sphere).Use a concrete example to make yourpoint.
3.Police violence
Describe some of the ways that policing in Australia, the US and other countries raises humanrights concerns? How have people tried to use the tools of social protest to prevent the humanrights violations committed by police? Use a concrete example to make your point(BLM forexample).
Incarceration in Australia and the USA can be said to be racialized. What is meant by this claim andhow might we explain the over-incarceration of people of colour? How have social protest
movements sought to address the racialization of incarceration? Use a concrete example to makeyour point.
Academic honesty
While the University is aware that the vast majority of students and staff act ethically and honestly, itis opposed to and will not tolerate academic dishonesty or plagiarism and will treat all allegations ofdishonesty seriously.
Further information on academic honesty, academic dishonesty, and the resources available to allstudents can be found on the academic integrity pages on the current students website:
https:llsydney.edu.aulstudentslacademic-integrity.html (https:llsydney.edu.aulstudents
Further information for on research integrity and ethics for postgraduate research students andstudents undertaking research-focussed coursework such as Honours and capstone researchprojects can be also be found on the current students website: