The final exam will be held online on Wednesday, December 21, 2022, via Canvas Quizzes. The exam will be available at 12:00pm (noon) and must be submitted by 5:00pm on December 21. You can write the exam in our scheduled exam room from 12:00 to 2:20pm in BIOL 1000, or you may write the exam remotely.
The final exam will contain two parts: Part 1 will consist of roughly 40 multiple choice questions, emphasizing material from the second half of the term (since the midterm); Part 2 will consist of 3-4 short answer questions, covering material from the entire term. You will have 60 minutes to complete each section; thus, you should plan for a total of two hours to complete the entire final exam.
Review Questions (from material since Midterm)
- What does it mean to say that unpaid and paid labour are gendered? To what extent do women and men do different kinds of work at home and in the labour force?
- How do work-family policies affect the motherhood wage gap? Which policies are most effective for reducing motherhood wage penalties?
- What are standard work hours? How have they changed in recent decades? What consequences have these changes had for professional and frontline service workers?
- What is the service panopticon? What is the digital panopticon? How effectively do each monitor the “productivity” of workers?
- What’s the difference between an adjusted and unadjusted pay gap? How do pay equity policies in Canada address pay gaps between different social-demographic groups?
- Compare and contrast the neoclassical economic view and the sociological view of labour markets. How does the sociological view help us understand inequality in access to jobs?
- What is cultural matching in the hiring process? To what extent can algorithms reduce the influence of cultural matching in hiring?
- How did the pandemic affect labour force participation, work hours, and work-life conflict? How did these effects vary by social-demographic group and type of job?
- How has the pandemic affected work priorities and the cultural value of work? To what extent does the Great Resignation signal a shift in what workers expect from their jobs?
- How might technology and automation change the nature of jobs over the next 25 years? What skills might you envision being necessary in the 2050 workplace?