General Information
a. Task Overview
This final assessment due in Week 14 consists of a Report containing a Mind Map (drawing) and a Reflective Review (report) and a Live Zoom Presentation of those items. Since this task replaces the usual final exam for this unit it should be a measure and evidence of what you learned as a result of your engagement with the unit. Keep this in mind as you respond to the guidelines below, so that your final product is a true reflection of your learning.
b. Submission Format – Report and Presentation
Your Report (containing the Mind Map and Reflective Review) must be submitted via the submission link on Blackboard by the deadline shown above. The Mind Map must cover the material starting from Week 1 and the Reflective Review must cover the period starting from Week 8, both ending with Week 12.
The Live Zoom Presentation of the Report is to be held on a variety of days and sitting times during Week 14 – Final Exam Week. You have to self-enrol into a Zoom session with your assessor at which you present your Report and Mind Map without the use of a script. Your face must be visible and you may use any form of visual aids (PowerPoint etc.) to show your Mind Map in support of your narrative.
Assessment Guidelines
a. Report – Reflective Review Report with Mind Map
The following sections will give you a bit more detail on how to approach each of the two tasks for this assignment. You will be asked to 1) submit your Reflective Review and Mind Map document via Blackboard Turnitin and also 2) present the same in person via a live Zoom session with course staff in Week 14 (your head must be visible on camera and audio turned on).
Mind Map
In our Week 2 workshop we introduced Tony Buzan’s Mind maps to you (see Figure 1) and now the time has come to produce your own – we ask you to create a Mind Map of your learnings and experiences in this unit.
The mind map must be drawn in colour and have a main branch for each study week (Week 1 to Week 12) with sub-branches for each of the topics presented in that week. Think of it as a graphical representation, or index to, your Reflective Review for (some of the) weeks.
You may produce the Mind Map by hand, i.e. without the aid of any computer program and scan it for submission as an A4 or A3 sized pdf, docx, doc, pptx, ppt, png, jpg or gif document (other formats must be converted to any one of the above formats before submission or they will not be accepted).
Figure 1 – Tony Buzan’s Mind Map, a graphical depiction of items linked to and arranged around a central concept.(source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMZCghZ1hB4).
Reflective Review
We have covered many topics throughout this unit while exploring the design of information systems. Our broad unit learning outcomes (according to the UIG) are as follows:
- describing the core processes involved in the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) for a computer-based information system;
- simulating the role of the systems analyst with respect to the analysis, design and implementation of computer systems;
- applying various techniques to the analysis of current systems and modelling of future systems;
- using a range of analysis and design tools and techniques;
- comparing and contrasting current trends in the development of computer information systems;
- producing project management charts; and
- describe quality assurance and testing procedures in software development.
Your Reflective Review is in the form of a written paper to a maximum of 1,000 words. Write about what you learned, in particular connecting your reflection of your learning to the above learning outcomes. You will draw upon Dweck’s Growth Mindset (a summary is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1CHPnZfFmU) and reflect on the value of applying Systems Analysis and Design principles in a real-life context and evaluate what you have learned through the process. Answer the following three (3) questions:
- What critical skills/principles do you believe you learned most from the case study experience?
- What do you need to get better at, during your degree at SCU?
- What do you plan to do in the next few years while studying at SCU to ensure you do get better? Be specific.
We want to read not merely a factual synthesis and description, but more importantly about your thoughts, and how they evolved through the unit (either changing or becoming stronger). When/if what we talked about and what you were assigned wasn’t new to you, then write about how you made good use of your time in this class; how you pushed yourself to go beyond the requirements. Reflect too about how you took responsibility for learning and for challenging yourself throughout this unit.
Your grade will reflect how well you have synthesized the different aspects of the course (in-class activities, assigned readings, readings beyond what was assigned, meeting and getting to know a wide range of people in class … how you have made the most of all your opportunities in the unit and beyond to help you understand what you are learning in this unit and your understanding of the complex nature of designing information systems and how you have connected these to the learning outcomes.