这是一个Business商科代写的相关案例,包括了Online Test和Assignment
Assignment Title: Assignment 1 – Online Test – weighted at 70% of the module mark
Description of the Assignment, task, content and structure:
Students will be required to refresh their knowledge of Business Operations based on the topics covered in class using Teaching Resources, research papers, and books.
Students are required to take an online test on the date mentioned above. The test will present randomised questions, and students must answer MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) within a set time. The questions will include Multiple-Choice Answers, True/False, Multiple-choice Multiple Answers, Image Choice, and Text Field.
The online test should be submitted online via the module page. There is no Turnitin submission, and no paper submission is required.
The online tests in question are considered formative assessments and will contribute to the module’s overall mark.
The purpose of these assessments is to continuously evaluate your understanding of the reading materials, lecture content, and the subject matter covered in the course. Students will be guided to reading and source material.
Any specific instructions:
The Online Test will be marked automatically.
• You must use a laptop for your quizzes, which you can either use on your own or borrow from the university library or friends. Please ensure it is fully charged and connected to high-quality Wi-Fi before the start of the quiz.
• You are required to attend the lecture/tutorial/online drop-in session and listen to the instructions given by the module leader before the quiz begins.
• There will be two online quizzes: the first on 1 March, contributing 30%, and the second on 19 April, contributing 40% to your overall module grade. These two MCQs will account for 70% of your overall module grade.
• Time will be allocated during the lecture/tutorial/online drop-in session for you to take your quiz with support from the module leader.
• Instructions for entering the quiz will be provided. Once you start, your timing will range from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of questions.
• Absence from the quizzes will result in a score of zero, with no extensions granted.
• You will have only one attempt at each quiz. After completion, the quiz will be locked, and you will have no further access or opportunity to retake it.
Students who are sick or missing for any other legitimate reason must apply for Exceptional Circumstances.
Any specific instructions:
Please read the quiz instructions carefully before attempting the quiz. Any attempt, even clicking on the quiz, and not completing it will result in the quiz being muted.