

The Practical Applications Part 2 (PA2) is an individual report that allows you to demonstrate your command of the theories, concepts, and models that you learn in this unit. The tasks in this report are designed to allow you to get an insight into how businesses and organisations apply these theories and models to influence consumer attitudes, decisions, and behaviour.

Task 1. Understanding consumer decision making: heuristics (15 marks).

“Mars” is a brand of candy bar made of nougat and caramel, coated in chocolate. It is produced by Mars Inc. A few years ago, the ALDI retail chain introduced their own brand of chocolate candy bar, “Titan.” The Titan candy bars look remarkably similar to the original Mars bars (see image below).

a. Identify which heuristic ALDI is relying on when choosing to use a packaging that is very similar to that of the well-known Mars bars. What are they trying to achieve in this case? (5 marks).

b. Imagine that Mars Inc. recalls their Mars chocolate bars following several cases of consumers suffering severe allergic reaction after consuming the bars. In the wake of these incidents, ALDI finds their own sales of Titan bars decreasing significantly. Using your knowledge of heuristics, recommend TWO strategies that ALDI could use to address the decrease in sales following the Mars bars incident. Describe the specific steps that ALDI should take to implement each of these strategies (10 marks).

Task 2. Understanding consumer decision-making: choice models (20 marks).

Imagine that you are shopping for headphones. You have narrowed your choice down to 4 options – headphones A, headphones B, headphones C, and headphones D. Assume that there are 4 evaluation criteria that are important to you when choosing headphones. These four criteria are (in alphabetical order): audio quality, noise cancelling, price, and style/design. The four headphones have been rated along each of these criteria by other consumers who purchased the headphones previously. In the table, you can see the average rating for each of the four headphones on each of the four criteria. Note that ratings are out of 5, the higher the rating, the better. A higher rating on price means the option is cheaper.

In the “criteria importance” column, assign importance weights, according to your own preference, for each of the evaluative criteria. Record these weights as percentages (note that they have to sum up to 100%). Also, identify your “cut-off” level for the evaluative criteria. This is the minimum rating you are willing to accept on any of the evaluative criteria.

a. Based on the criteria weights you assigned, and the headphones’ ratings on each of the criteria, indicate which headphone you would choose if you were to use the conjunctive decision model and why (10 marks).

b. Then, indicate which headphones you would choose if you were to use the compensatory decision model and why (10 marks).

Task 3. Understanding consumer culture: Using psychographics to segment the market (35 marks).

TEESH is a new Australian clothing company. Imagine that you’ve been hired to work for them in a marketing role. Your task is to work on the segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategy for their t-shirts product line.

a) Using your knowledge of the three psychographics bases for segmentation discussed in this unit, identify three distinct consumer segments that TEESH could target. Each of these three segments should be based on one of the three psychographic bases for segmentation discussed in the unit. (15 marks)

b) Identify the product benefits that consumers in each of the three segments would likely look for. (10 marks)

c) Based on the product benefits identified above, describe the product attributes that the t-shirts targeting each segment should have. (10 marks)

Task 4. Social influences on consumer behaviour. (20 marks)

TEESH would also like you to work on the social media strategy for their t-shirt product line. Pick ONE of the consumer segments that you identified in Task 3 above and then:

a) Identify one opinion leader that you think would be a relevant source of social influence for the chosen consumer segment. How would you go about using this opinion leader in the company’s marketing strategy? What promotion tactics would you use, and what media channels? (10 marks)

b) Identify one reference group that you think would be a relevant source of social influence for the chosen consumer segment. How would you go about using this reference group in the company’s marketing strategy? What promotion tactics would you use, and what media channels? (10 marks)