
The assignment asks you to:

• Apply Communities of Practice (CoP) theory as a lens to analyse why the architects in Bank1 were unable to build stakeholder commitment and support for the enterprise architecture implementation (EAI).

• Using the CoP lens analyse how the architects could build commitment and support for the EAI amongst their business and technology stakeholders.

• Compare and contrast CoP theory with Boundary Spanning and Boundary Object theories. Demonstrate how CoP, Boundary Spanning theory and Boundary Object theories can inform BA practice.

This has to be achieved within 2000 words (+/- 10%) and don’t forget to use peer-reviewed references (please see the A*/A journals list)

Here is a suggested assignment structure to help you

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Tell the reader what you are going to do:

• Apply Communities of Practice (CoP) theory as a lens to analyse why the architects in Bank1 were unable to build stakeholder commitment and support for the enterprise architecture implementation (EAI).

• Using the CoP lens, analyse how the architects could build commitment and support for the EAI amongst their business and technology stakeholders.

• Compare and contrast CoP, Boundary Spanning and Boundary Object theories to demonstrate how CoP, Boundary Spanning theory and Boundary Object theories can inform BA practice.

Tell the reader the contribution that you are making to practice: e.g.

1) To demonstrate that CoP theory can provide useful insights as to the reasons for EAI failure and that CoP theory can help architects understand how their practices can inhibit or enable effective connections with their stakeholders.

2) To demonstrate through a comparison of CoP, Boundary Spanning and Boundary Object theories how these theories can inform better BA practice.
Paragraph 2: Describe CoP Theory

• What is CoP theory?
• Why is it applicable to IS?
• What are the key social processes (JE, ME and SR) and provide descriptions?
• Analyse the relevance of the social processes to the case study?

Tell me again what are you are going to do

• To demonstrate that CoP theory can provide useful insights as to the reasons for EAI failure and that CoP theory can help architects understand how their practices can inhibit or enable effective connections with their stakeholders.
Paragraph 3: Apply the social processes of CoP theory to the case study

• Describe the practices of the architects in terms of:
• JE,
• ME, and
• SR (Hint look at lecture 6 slides 25, 26, 27)
• Give examples from the case study
• What is the effect of the architects’ practices on their relationship with their stakeholders?

How is this impact manifest in the perceptions and views of stakeholders?

• To what extent do the architects’ practices influence the outcome of the EAI?
Paragraph 4: Using the social processes of Cop theory to demonstrate how the architects could build commitment and support for the EAI amongst their business and technology stakeholders.

• Using the social processes (JE, ME and SR) explain the types of practices that architects could adopt to build shared understandings and objectives with their stakeholders:

• JE practices,

• ME practices, and

• SR practices