The assessment will be requiring students to apply key systems thinking concepts to a provided
case study. Students will be given a link to a video describing a real-world problem and asked to
apply systems thinking and simulation concepts learned throughout the session.
The assessment submissions will be marked in accordance with precise applications of systems thinking concepts, based on the following criteria:
(1) the extent to which all relevant points are included in the answer,
(2) degree to which the students can interpret real world systems,
(3) whether students can apply system archetypes (e.g. causal loop diagrams) to aid scenario
planning; and
(4) the completeness and quality of interpretation of both causal loop diagrams and stock and
flow diagrams.
The case study titled “What will happen to the office?” embedded below describes the influence
the Covid-19 pandemic has had on traditional models of the workplace, resulting in a multitude
of impacts and reorganizations to the workplace. In fact, the case details a multitude of impacts
felt on the workplace. Students are encouraged to focus on a single impact of the workplace and how the workplace existed before and after the pandemic. Please review the case video carefully.
Detailed instructions on your required submission are detailed below.
Students are required to apply systems thinking concepts to the case of the workplace before
and after the impacts of the pandemic were experienced. Please note that there is a considerable amount of information in the linked video, you are asked to specify a smaller, more focused system within the content covered in the video. In other words, focus on a particular aspect (of your choosing) of the impact of the pandemic on the workplace that highlights the differences between the workplace settings before and after the pandemic was expressed. In a word document, please submit a single file containing the following headings and instructions.
1. System and problem description (7 marks):
Please provide a system description of the case, focusing on a single aspect, highlighting
the causal relationships of the system prior to and after the impact of the pandemic.
2. Causal Loop Diagram (8 marks):
Develop two causal loop diagrams, one of the system prior to the pandemic and another
after the pandemic impact was experienced. The diagrams should be reflective of the
system and problem description.
3. Stock and flow modelling (10 marks):
Develop two stock and flow diagrams, one of the system prior to the pandemic and
another after the pandemic impact was experienced. Students are required to only
submit conceptual models of the stock and flow diagrams. The diagrams should be
reflective of the system and problem description, and the causal loop diagrams.