
Assessment task overview

You are required to develop a proposal for senior management of a selected organisation to implement a Big Data strategy designed to meet a specific business priority. Your proposal should include recommendations of Big Data technologies and suggest analytics plus and end-user application. You should justify your recommendations and include a high-level architecture diagram to show how the proposed technologies would fit together.

Assume that the audience know little about Big Data, but they want to make better use of their data which is why you have been invited to submit a proposal. However, your proposal is not just a sales pitch – you must demonstrate that you know what you are talking about, back up your arguments with evidence and communicate your ideas effectively.

This assignment is your opportunity to bring together the knowledge you have acquired in this course, apply it to a business scenario and further develop your communication skills.

Assessment Task Details

From Table 1 below, choose an organisation and the associated priority, whichever interests you the most. Then develop a proposal for a Big Data strategy to address the chosen organisation’s key priority. In developing your proposal consider the following:

• Organisations have been named to provide some context for your proposal, but these are hypothetical scenarios. Please do not contact the organisations!

• You do not have to research what your chosen organisation does with their data. You can assume that they have no Big Data capability currently and develop your proposal accordingly. In other words, you can make assumptions but these assumptions need to be relevant to the chosen organisation and related industry’s context.

• You are recommending what would need to be done, not doing it – i.e. you don’t have to build any Big Data capacity or do Big Data analysis.

•You will need to make use of research. However, simply finding and presenting information from ‘experts’ will not be enough to earn a good grade. You will need to work things out for yourself and communicate your understanding of Big Data concepts and technologies.

Understanding the priority

Consider what questions would need to be answered to understand the key priority. See the Microsoft resources around the questions ‘Is Big Data the right solution?’ and ‘Determining analytical goals‘. A good starting point is here:


Note: These are Microsoft resources so naturally they suggest Microsoft technologies. You do not have to use those technologies in your proposal.

Data sources

From the questions to be answered you need to identify the information needed and the data sources that can provide that information. It may be that some of the data would not exist (that you know of) so you would be recommending that it be collected.

Big Data technologies

Once you know the data needed and where it would come from, decide which Big Data data. This should include suggested analytics and an end user application – would it be a predictive app or something else? Provide brief descriptions of the technologies required to deliver the Big Data capability and give an example of one technology for each component of your strategy (e.g.: processing of streaming data – Apache Spark). The technology choices will depend on the data types in the data sources you are recommending. Don’t focus on a specific tool or vendor. You can use the Big Data/AI Landscape diagram from Week 2 to investigate and recommend technologies.

High-level architecture

Your proposal should include a diagram of a high-level architecture showing the different technologies and how they fit together. This, once again, is intended for a non-technical audience. Refer to resources from weekly slides for examples (e.g. Netflix, Airbnb, etc).

Big Data visualisation examples (analytics dashboards)

Provide two examples (screenshots with appropriate referencing) of Big Data visualisations to give the audience an indication of what you would be providing them (or if you had built a prototype). Explain the visualisations. The more relevant to the business priority and organisation the better. Importantly, these visualisations should be based on Big Data.

Benefits and adoption challenges

Clearly articulate the benefits of the proposed strategy. You should also discuss any challenges of Big Data adoption and Big Data analytics, including data quality, privacy and security, in general and specific to your proposal. Include some recommendations of how your organisation could address these challenges in the context of the strategy you are proposing.

Executive summary

An executive summary is a short document or section of a document produced for business purposes. It summarises a longer report so that readers can become acquainted with the contents of the report without having to read it all. Write your executive summary after you have finished your Big Data strategy proposal. You should use short, concise paragraphs and write your executive summary in the same order as the full proposal.


Key resource is this website: www.unisa.edu.au/referencing. You should use the APA referencing style. Reference all diagrams appropriately, both in-text and in your list of references. This includes your visualisation examples. If you adapt a diagram for your purposes, acknowledge the original source. Referencing is important for assignments to: (a) expand your knowledge of the assignment topic and (b) provide evidence to the claims you make and (c) demonstrate you know what you are talking about to make a convincing proposal and (d) provide other examples or case studies. The general rule is if you are using information or data that is not of your own creation then you need to acknowledge it. This includes the screenshots and any data you use. Not only is this for academic integrity but to add weight to your recommendations – to show they are just not opinions. technologies would be appropriate to capture, store, process, clean, share, visualise and use that