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There are 8 questions on this coursework, worth a total of 100 marks. The number of marks that each question is worth is written in brackets.
Question 1 [10 marks]
Answer the following questions:
a. Suggest a possible sample space to describe each of the following scenarios: i. A roulette wheel spin.
ii. The number of claims arising in an insurance portfolio each year. iii. A soccer match.
b. Prove that the following sets are Borel sets by directly showing that they can be obtained from intervals such as (−∞,a],a ∈ R through the usual operations (unions, intersections, complements):
i. (2,+∞)
ii. (0,1] ∪ (2,3]
iii. (−∞,1) iv. {1}
Question 2 [10 marks]
A fixed-income portfolio contains n zero-coupon bonds subject to default risk, each of them with maturity 1 year. The i-th bond has face value Ci. Define the following random variables:
N = number of defaulted bonds after 1 year.
Li = loss for bond i.
L = L1 + … + Ln, i.e., the resulting total loss.
Note that 0 ≤ Li ≤ Ci, and assume that each default will result in a loss. Finally, let, for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n, Di be the event “Bond i has defaulted after 1 year”.
Answer the following questions:
a. Express N using D1,…Dn and indicator functions.
b. For each of the following relations, state, justifying your claim, whether they are true or false:
i. Di ⊂ {Li > 0}
ii. σ (N) = σ (1D1,…1Dn)
iii. σ (1Dn) ⊂ σ1D1,…1Dn−1,L iv. σ (1Dn) ⊂ σ1D1,…1Dn−1,N
v. {L = 0} = {N = 0}
vi. σ (L) = σ (N)
c. Assume the so-called zero recovery rule: in case of default, the whole face value is lost, so that Li = Ci in case Di is true. Express L using Di and Ci for i = 1,…,n and indicator functions. Reconsider the relations in part (b) and state whether they are true or false.微积分代写