1 Introduction
You are a renewable energy manager of a college campus in up-state New York. You are purchasing
daily energy supply contracts for tomorrow and your options are below
1. A wind farm near-by offers you at-risk wind generation capacity at $150 per MW capacity for
tomorrow, the actual generation depends on the real-time wind power capacity factor. The
maximum capacity this wind farm offers is 20 MW.
2. A natural gas generator nearby offers three services
• The first is base load generation service, the generator provides $15/MWh baseload gener
ation for tomorrow, equivalent to $360 per MW.
• The second is peak load generation service, the generator provides peak demand supply
from 8 AM to 6 PM at $20/MWh, equivalent to $200 per MW.
• The third is load following service, the generator can provide any supply as requested by
the campus up to the contracted capacity. This is an option call contract, the option fee
for this service is $50 per MW, and the exercise fee is $18/MWh.
The capacity of this generator is 10 MW, so the total amount of the three service contracts
cannot exceed 10 MW.
In addition, the campus has 1 MW capacity of solar panel installed which will provide free solar
energy to the campus depending on the actual solar power capacity factor. Also note that all real-time
imbalances will be cleared at the real-time electricity price. For example, if the sum of the natural
gas, wind farm, and the on-site PV generation is less that the real-time campus demand, you must
purchase from the real-time energy market at the real-time price; if you bought and generated more
than you need, you must sell them in the real-time market as well.
You do not know what could happen for tomorrow, but your student intern has provided you with
five possible scenarios with equal probabilities for tomorrow. Each scenario contains predicted campus
demand, real-time price, and the capacity factor for wind and solar. All profiles are generated at a
15-minute resolution.
2 Project Objective
Your boss has requested you to provide the following results so he can make the final trading decision:
• What is the minimum expected cost to serve the campus demand for tomorrow and what is the
corresponding contract portfolio?
• How do we minimize the worst case cost scenario for tomorrow, and what is the corresponding
contract portfolio?
In addition, the school board would also like to hear your suggestions about the feasibility to power
the campus entirely by renewable energy. Based on what you have observed from these five scenarios
and your portfolio management results, summarize possible pathways towards a sustainable campus,
and the relative costs associated with these pathways. In this discussion, you don’t need to limit your
options to the trading options listed above, but should focus on the scenario data and the cost numbers
of different resource types. You are also encouraged to search for the most up-to-date costs regarding