This is your first piece of written assessment for the unit. It tests the skills and knowledge that you have acquired in the unit within weeks 1-4. You have been introduced to the functionality of QGIS and this first assignment provides a test of your basic spatial analysis and cartography skills. It is worth 30% of the unit assessment.
- Word limit: 1500 words maximum
- Submission format: Word or PDF format only
- There is no limit on the number of graphs or diagrams used within your report.
- You word count will not include any words included in diagrams or in tables presenting numeric outputs.
Please note there are strict penalties for infringing these requirements – full guidelines are in the unit outline for you to refer to. These include the word count, penalties for exceeding the word count and/or incorrect file submission (and size), late submissions and plagiarism.
Please see the unit outline for full information on word count/plagiarism instructions and the submission deadline.
Marking criteria
A full marking criteria matrix is provided below. Please check this to ensure that you meet all the higher-level criteria for producing an outstanding assignment. In addition, you need to provide sufficient response to the assignment brief as detailed below. Assuming that you submit your assignment on time, your assignment will be graded and marks returned with feedback prior to the deadline for your second assignment. Critically reflect on this feedback so you can learn from any mistakes and demonstrate improved GIS skills in your second assignment.
Assignment brief
This is a short assignment and you will need to be both precise and concise in reporting your findings. The brief for the assignment is for you to report on land supply in the Perth and Peel Regions based on the principles of the Urban Growth Monitor 13 as per our core reading and as was discussed in the Week 4 Seminar.
You should generate three new maps to support your analysis.
You should also submit the maps that you have compiled relating to Labs A and Lab B as an appendix to your report.
Using the data provided, together with appropriate GIS overlay and analytical techniques, you should report on the following:
Land zoned for urban development is defined as land zoned urban or urban deferred within the Region Schemes datasets provided to you.
Urbanised land is defined as any land identified that does not have a SOS_NAME of “Rural Balance” in the Urban Centres and Localities (UCL) datasets (i.e. a similar definition to that used used in LabD).
Non-urbanised land is defined as Land zoned for urban development that is not yet urbanised.
Part 1 – Analysis
Use your GIS skills to calculate the following for each Sub-region and the study area as a whole:
Your study area is comprised of the area covered by the Region Schemes for the Perth Metropolitan Region and the Peel Region.
- Calculate the area of land zoned for urban development for the study area for both 2011 and 2016 as identified in the layers called RegionSchemes2010 and RegionSchemes2016. Note that you have been provided with Region Scheme data for 2010 (not 2011) but you can assume that the 2010 data approximates to 2011.
- Geographically identify land that has been zoned as land zoned for urban development between 2011 and 2016. Provide a numeric breakdown of this change in terms of area.
- Calculate the area of land zoned for urban development that was urbanised and the area that was non-urbanised in 2011. Calculate this also as a percentage.
- Calculate the area of land zoned for urban development that was urbanised and the area that was non-urbanised in 2016. Calculate this also as a percentage.
- Geographically identify land zoned for urban development that was urbanised between 2011 and 2016. Provide a numeric breakdown of this change in terms of land area.
a.Calculate the annual rate at which land zoned for urban development has been urbanised over the period 2011 to 2016. This annual rate can be calculated as the difference between the area of land zoned for urban development that is urbanised in 2016 and the area of land zoned for urban development that is urbanised in 2011. Calculate this in hectares per annum.
b.Based on the annual rate over the five-year period that you have calculated you should estimate how long the non-urbanised land-supply will last assuming that similar rates of urbanisation continue.
All your area figures should all be reported in hectares.
Part 2 – Methods, Results and Discussion (and related mapping)
Provide detail on the methods that you used to derive the outputs that you have generated.
An important component of your report is to highlight the limitations in the approach that you have taken, the data that you have used and how this approach could be improved upon.
Your report should be structured around the following sub-sections and should include three new maps – focus on relevant information in your mapping and look to highlight points of interest. Please present each of your maps in A4 portrait orientation using the whole area of the page. Please, DO NOT use Quick Map Services or third-party base maps. To provide spatial context, you can use the topographic and locational features already made available to you.
Make sure you label each section with an appropriate sub-heading. You will need to undertake further reading to provide context to the issue that you are reporting; this will need to go beyond the core reading list for the unit as the citations will need to provide context to the report.
Report Structure
- Report title.
- Background information to the report.
- Description of data and methodology.
- Results and Discussion.
- Conclusion – a statement that summarises your key findings.
- Reference list – using the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style – see library website if you need help for formatting – this is not included in your word count).
- Appendix – This should include just the maps that you compiled in your labs.
o Lab A: Item 1 – MRS Map
o Lab A: Item 2 – SEIFA Map
o Lab B: Item 1 – A4 portrait 1:250,000 scale topographic map. Area other than Perth.
o Lab B: Item 2 – A4 portrait or landscape large-scale or small-scale topographic map of any area in Australia. Indicate on your map the scale that you have presented.
Your report needs to be professionally written and presented. Do not include a table of
contents or any appendices other than your lab maps. – these are not required for this report. Only include visual material which is relevant for communicating your findings effectively (you may wish to include diagrams to assist in articulating your processes). Remember, this is not a direct repeat of work undertaken in the labs, but a chance for you to use your skills to derive the information relevant to the remit of this paper.