1,800-2,100 words (excluding references).
Reflective report. In this course, the reflective report uses the same structure of an essay in the introduction and in the main body. The difference comes in the conclusion: you will outline what you have learned from this analysis and/or how you plan to apply this in your future practice.
You will choose one question and answer it in the form of a reflective report. Questions will be available from March 22nd .
Please note that you should not try to include every possible aspect on your report. Instead, you should select a subset of the possible topics according to their relevance for the question of your choice and for your discussion.
Please refer to the section “Important Notes” for further information (below).
- You will use the material in the Reading List.
- You can use the additional material (book chapters and articles) indicated on the slides.
o Please note that concepts should come from the relevant material on the reading list and/or the academic literature mentioned during the course. Please do not use Internet resources for concepts and theory.
- You can use additional academic resources.
- Material from the media and from relevant organisations can be used with the purpose of providing information about organisations and/or the market. Please do not use Internet resources for concepts and theory.
o Please only use credible and reliable sources, in this document you will find useful information about “evaluating sources on the Internet”, page 24),
- You will not use lectures and lecture slides as references. All slides and lectures are entirely based on the material from the Reading List. Students are expected to be familiar with these sources.
Formal presentation
- Paragraphs: Justified
- Font: Arial, Avenir, Calibri, Gotham, Helvetica, Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans, Times New Roman, Verdana
- Line space: 1.5
- References: Following your preferred standard.
- Please include page numbers.
- Name of the document. Your exam number (Starting with “B”) and one word or expression related to the article of your choice. Example: B123456_FacebookPrivacy.
- Cover Page.
- Your exam number (Starting with “B”). Please remember that marking is anonymous. For this reason, please do not use your student number (starting with s).
- Do not include your name.
- The question of your choice.
Assessment criteria
Text clarity. There is accuracy in the explanation of concepts and theories. Arguments are fully developed and explicit. There is coherence and evidence of a logical and ordered line of thought. An uninformed reader can easily understand the content and the connection between key ideas and specific concepts and theories.
Capacity of focus. The text maintains a strong focus on the relevant topic(s) and fully explores them.
Ability to use the relevant theory. The author shows a full command of relevant topics and the ability to identify the pertinent theoretical framework and concepts.
Capacity of critical analysis. The author is rigorous in the evaluation and use of evidence to support the arguments. The use of evidence to support arguments is consistent.
Ability to develop a thoughtful reflection about your learning process. Be specific and provide details of how your learning experience can be applied for your future practice.
Independence. The text shows the author’s ability to elaborate their own ideas and develop their own arguments while supporting arguments with relevant evidence.
Formal presentation.
Important notes
Academic standards
- All students should be familiar with academic standards and practices that can be considered plagiarism.
o Please note that plagiarism can be intended or unintended.
o Please note that self-plagiarism is one form of plagiarism.
- You can find more information here:
- Citation and Referencing Guidance
- Academic standards
Suggestions and supporting material
- Academic phrasebank
- Balance in argument (page 6)
- Evaluating sources from the Internet (page 24)
- Expressing caution (page 27)
- Develop your critical thinking
Please choose one of the questions below and develop your individual reflective report based on your answer to this question. Please refer to the Individual Assignment instructions on Learn for more information.
Question 1: After reading the article: “‘They’re stealing our customers and we’ve had enough’: is Deliveroo killing restaurant culture?” (The Guardian), published at The Guardian,critically discuss Deliveroo’s strategy, highlighting the potential impact on complementors and on the ecosystem (including non-participants on the platform).
Question 2: After reading “Why Spotify is betting big on podcasting” (TechCrunch), critically discuss the organisation’s strategy and its potential consequences for complementors, users,and the ecosystem.
Question 3: After reading the article “Instagram still doesn’t age-check kids. That must change” (TechCrunch), critically discuss the platform’s decision, its potential motivations,and how it might affect complementors and audience.
Question 4: After reading “Apple and Google pressed in antitrust hearing on whether app stores share data with product development teams” (TechCrunch), critically discuss the regulator’s concerns, the implications related to these concerns, and what would be suitable alternatives for the organisations.