You’ll need to submit a Word-knitted version of the completed R Markdown file found in this zip file, according to the following instructions:
- Rename the document called assignment.Rmd as studentID-assignment.Rmd. (Replace studentID with your student ID number). This is your R Markdown file, where you’ll be putting all your code and answers.
- Replace “Your name, Student ID” in the header of the R Markdown file with your name and student ID. (Keep the quotes)
- While we encourage collaboration in tutorials and learning in general, you should not be collaborating with anybody AT ALL for this assignment. That means sharing code privately or publicly; even talking in the abstract about problems will effectively be collusion.
You should be completing it independently, with no help from any other person in any capacity. Of course, as always, you are free to use any of the resources from the class to help you, and you’re also free to google or look anything up that you like (as long as you aren’t asking anybody,including anybody on discussion boards, specific questions about this assignment).
- Plagiarism check is enabled and you can check the similarity report on your submission. In previous years we have found people who tried to cheat, so please don’t risk it! That said, understand that we will not be naively looking at the overall % figure: with this sort of assignment a certain amount overlap is inevitable, so don’t worry if you get what looks like a high % score.
Probably most people will. We will be using the plagiarism check for the parts of the assignment where we’d expect some variability, and to give a general sense of the overall gestalt.
- Complete all of the problems below in the R Markdown document. Do not change any of the arguments to the code chunks, like the names of the code chunks or where it says echo=FALSE or whatever. If a problem asks you to display a tibble or variable so it shows up in the knitted version,make sure that you do as the marker cannot evaluate it without seeing it, and if they can’t see it then they won’t be able to award you points for it! Remember that to display a tibble (or any variable) you just type its name on a line of its own within the R chunk.
- I’ve structured this so that, as much as possible, questions do not build on each other. That means that if, say, you can’t get Q5 then you can still get Q6. Try to do all of them.
- Go for partial credit! Many of these questions have some form of partial credit possible. What that means is that if it is asking for some R code, break down the problem into pieces. Even if you can only do some of the pieces, or do them part of the way, that will be worth something. [Note that there is no question-by-question rubric available because designing one would mean giving away the answers. In general we will give full credit for responses that correctly address all of the parts of the question.] Short answer questions (SAQs) are also worth partial credit and are generally asking for some thoughtful interpretation. If it is based on a previous graph or test you’ve done, if you did the first part wrong but discuss it well, you can still get most or all points for the SAQ part. If your code does not run but you want to include it for possible partial credit, just comment it out (using the # sign) so that it shows up in the knitted document. If you include a lot of commented-out code and some is correct and some isn’t, we will not give you credit for the commented-out code; put the thing in there that you think is the closest to the correct answer, don’t just include everything.
- We are not overly worried about to what decimal place you round answers to and you will not lose credit for this unless you round so much that your answer is impossible to discern (e.g., don’t round p-values to the nearest integer!). Similarly, you will not lose points for trivial presentation things like using parentheses instead of commas around statistical references, as long it’s clear.
That said, for those who want a guideline, I’ll suggest that you follow APA format or round p-values to three decimal places, degrees of freedom to one, and test statistics and probabilities to two.