Assignment Brief
Write an essay in answer to the above question.
- Select information from the sources in this booklet and the Oxford EAP coursebook to support your points. You should use ideas from a minimum of four sources (excluding any definitions).
- You should ONLY include information from these sources (excluding any definitions), but you do not need to include all the information below.
- You should include (at least) six ideas as quotations and/or paraphrase/summary.
- You should include in-text references and a list of references at the end using the APA system.
- You need to submit your work at three points:
- a) a detailed plan – on which you will receive feedback from your tutor
- b) a first draft – on which you will receive feedback from your tutor
- c) a final draft – on which you will receive a final grade You need to complete both drafts of this essay in order to receive a final grade.
- In order to achieve a good grade, you must include the Content, Organisation,Incorporation of Sources and Language as referred to in the Assessment Criteria.
Answer the question
Include a definition
Include analysis and evaluation
Clear and logical essay structure including an appropriate introduction and conclusion
Clear organisation within paragraphs including topic sentences and concluding sentences, as well as pronouns, determiners and linking words to give cohesion
Include examples and/or explanation
Incorporation of Sources
Include a range of sources which support the main ideas
Integrate sources with comments
Use of paraphrase and quotation
In-text and bibliographic referencing
Grammatical accuracy and range
Accuracy and range of academic vocabulary
Effective punctuation and accurate spelling