Your task is to design an interactive website and document the design process from its conception to testing stage.
The website can be on any topic you are interested in.
The design report should be 7-page maximum, with font 12 (paper size A4)- 7-page max does not inchude title page and references.
Include the following sections:
- Introduction (what is your website about, who is the target audience, why you came up with the iden)
- Site Map
- Low fidelity (paper sketches and wireframes)
- High fidelity prototype of your website (using a design tool introduced in Week 5 slides)
- Design decisions you have made based on Nielsen’s usability heuristics
- Conclusion (summary of your report and deliveries, challenges you faced and future work)
- List of references (if you have any)
Please note this is an individual asessmet and must be your own, original work. If you are using any content from the Internet, make sure you include the reference in your report. Plagiarism is considered a serious offence at UQ Failure to declare the distinction between your work and the work of otbers will result in academic misconduct proceedings.
Marking rubric is available here
Please use APA 6th referecing style: htps://guides library.uq.edu.avreferencing/apa6
Website Implementation
Website Presentation & Poster (10%): Week 13, during your tutorial/practical session. Submit your poster by Friday 3 June, 4:00pm.
Demo: Week 11, demo of the website draft during class time
Website Implementation (33%) & Report (9%7)- Due 30 May:
You should use HTML5, CSs and JavaScript to implement your website (4-20 web pages). The website should be flexible and work on tablet and mobile devices as well.
You also have to produce a maximum 7-page report (Paper size: A4, font: 12) including summary of imnplementation (HIMLCSS/JavaSeript usage), screenshots of the website, challages faced, and lessons learnt as well as an evaluation of your website using Nielsen’s ten Usability Heuristics, Conclusions and Future Work. You should explain how many of the usability heuristics covered in the course have been met in your final website and how. 7 pages does not include refererences and title page.
In-class Website Presentation (10%) . Week 13:
You will have maximum of 5 minutes to present your website during your normal tutorial practical session in Week 13. Please prepare an A1 stzed poster summarising the project, your design prototypes, screenshots of the website (and a quick live demo, if possible), evaluation of your website using the usability heuristics, what lessons you learnt along the way (reflection) and what you would improve in future, if you had more time.
The poster should be sbmitted on Blackboard by Friday 3 June, 4pm. No need to print the poster.
Imagine that you have developed this website for a potential client that is a large organisation containing many users, and you are presenting your design to potential users whom you have to convince of the benefits of the design
Progress must be demoed to teaching staff during Week 11. Teaching team will monitor studeats’ progress and ask quetions to ensure that students are complering their own work. If the student cannot answer the questions or does not demo their draft website and/or do not show satisfactory progress, they will not be able to pass this assessment.
Marking rubric is available here.
Please note this is an individual asessment and it must be your own, original work. No copying from other classmates or from Intemnet. If you are using any content from the Internet, make sure you include the reference in your report.Plagiarism is considered a serious ofence at UQ Failure to declare the distinction between your work and the work of others will result in academic misconduct proceedings.
You may include any work you produced for Practicals & Tutorials, however you must not use another student’s work or copy and paste from the Internet. Check with your tutors if you need further clarification or post your questions on Ed Discussion forum.
Passing the course:
In order to pass the course as a whole, students must pass the Website 1mplementation assessment, with a final grade of at least a Pass (4). Failre to meet this requirement will result in the final grade being capped at Fail (3), regardless of performance in other assessment items. Please refer to the Course Profile for more information.