这意味着,例如,如果您决定专注于碳足迹标签计划,那么您的标题将是“ [国家/地区/行业]消费产品的碳足迹标签的描述,说明和评估”。所用的学期论文应证明对所涉及的环境政策措施有详细而准确的理解,并应证明其成功或失败的证据。由于大多数政策措施都嵌入了更广泛的环境政策中,因此通常有必要在分析过程中详细说明(并经常进行解释和评估)该更广泛的政策。
Paper option 1- Applied
‘Write a term-paper that describes, explains and evaluates the use of a particular environmental policy measure in a particular policy domain’.
This means that if, for instance, you decide to focus on a carbon footprint labelling scheme then your title will be ‘A description, explanation and evaluation of carbon footprint labelling of consumer products in [country/region/sector]’. The applied term-paper should demonstrate a detailed and accurate understanding of the environmental policy measure/s in question and adduce evidence of their success or failure. Since most policy measures are embedded in a wider environmental policy it’s usually necessary to detail, and often to explain and evaluate, this wider policy as part of your analysis.
If you’re interested in specific issues or themes – such as environmental certification of commodities or aircraft pollution – the trick is to identify a specific policy and instrument relating to your chosen issue or theme in one or more particular place/country/region, and then use both the wider literature on it and literature about the policy or instrument itself. You should also evaluate your chosen policy in terms of one or more principal criteria e.g. has it reduced plastic bag numbers or emissions levels, enhanced ‘adaptation’ to climate change, has it saved a firm’s resources, has it engendered greater public concern for resource over-use etc.? This will include both quantitative and qualitative measures.