本次澳洲代写主要为经济相关的额assessment task essay
对于此任务,您需要从 2020 年财富全球排名中选择一家跨国企业 (MNE)
在以下行业之一运营的 500 强名单*。
• 活力
• 食品消费品
• 家居和个人产品
• 机动车辆和零件
• 石油炼制
*2020 年财富全球 500 强名单可从 https://fortune.com/global500/2020/ 获得。
第 1 部分:介绍和您选择的跨国公司(约 800 字)
Q 1. 写出整篇论文的引言(即对问题 1-5 的回答)。你应该
介绍。 (您应该在了解主要发现和
历史,其主要产品/服务,经营国家等应包括在内。 (ii) 什么
第 2 部分:跨国公司在东道国的战略(约 1,200 字)
Q 3. 根据您对课程主题的理解,跨国公司的战略和结构以及
Based on the choice of your MNE, answer the following questions. You are expected to demonstrate
understanding of relevant concepts and theories covered in the course. You also need to meet the
necessary academic requirements in terms of conducting effective research, application of theories
and concepts, problem solving skills and academic writing.
For this assignment, you need to choose one multinational enterprise (MNE) from the 2020 Fortune Globa
500 list operating in one of the following industries*.
• Energy
• Food consumer products
• Household and personal products
• Motor vehicles and parts
• Petroleum refining
*The 2020 Fortune Global 500 list is available from https://fortune.com/global500/2020/.
You can search MNEs in the above industries using the “INDUSTRY” filter (not “sector”) at
N.B. You are encouraged to conduct preliminary data search about the potential MNE to ensure that you
can obtain relevant and recent information enabling you to conduct well-supported analysis.
Part 1: Introduction and your chosen MNE (approx. 800 words)
Q 1. Write the introduction to the whole paper (i.e. answers to questions 1-5). You should
include the purpose, main findings, the scope and the structure of your paper in the
introduction. (You should write your introduction after you know the key findings and the
structure of your paper. It is strongly recommended that you write the introduction when you
have completed the main body).
Q 2. (i) Provide a brief profile of your MNE. Information such as its country of origin, company
history, its main products/services, countries of operation etc. should be included. (ii) What
are core resources and capabilities of your chosen MNE? Which resources and capabilities
do you think provide the source of competitive advantage for the company?
Part 2: MNE’s strategy in a host country (approx. 1,200 words)
For this part, you need to select one foreign market (the host country) your chosen MNE is
operating in. You may not choose the countries you selected for the Group Assessment
(Assessment Task 2) of this course.
Q 3. Based on your understanding of the course topics, Strategy and Structure of MNEs and
Entering Foreign Markets, analyse strategy and entry mode choices your MNE adopted as it
entered and operates in the selected host country. Critically evaluate the benefits and pitfalls
of the company’s decisions. If you were given the responsibility of managing your chosen
MNE’s operations in your selected host country, what additional or alternative actions would
you undertake? Provide justifications for your answer.