1.为什么政府应该关注减少贫困和不平等现象? 您是否建议政府引入通用基本收入来解决这些问题? 证明你的答案。
2.对英国公共部门借贷水平上升的担忧被夸大了。 政府借贷比提高税收或削减公共部门支出更为可取。 你是否同意这种说法? 证明你的答案。
3.为了应对偷税漏税,政府正在考虑赋予收税人更大的权力,对被发现在逃税的个人和公司处以更高的罚款。 您认为这种方法可能有多有效? 您会给政府提供什么建议以帮助减少逃税行为?
Word limit and penalties:
The word limit for this assignment is 2,000 words (excluding references and non-technical summary) and you must include a word count on your assignment. This word limit is set merely as a guide; if your writing is very succinct, you may well find you can provide a good answer to the question in fewer words;
The work should be submitted electronically through the Assignment Submission folder on the module Blackboard page.
Make sure that your work is anonymised. Do not put your name in the header or footer or front page of your work. Don’t use your own name in the filename: Blackboard will identify your work by your Blackboard username, so your essay will not get lost in the system.
Penalties for late submission
This assignment is a take-home exam and therefore the penalties that would normally apply for an exam will apply here – in other words, if the exam is not submitted by the specified deadline and no extenuating circumstances apply, a mark of zero will be awarded.