Stat3021 Assignment 1
1.假设Xn是独立的并且等价分布为P(X1 = 1)= p,
P(X1 = 0)= r和P(X1 = -1)= q。其中p,r,q> 0且p + r + q = 1。
令Sn =
i = 1 Xi
,n = 1,2,。 。 ..
(a)证明{S1,S2,。 。 。}是状态空间为S =的不可约马尔可夫链
一世。 P(S3 = 2)。
ii。 P(S4 = 1 | S1 = 1)。
iii。 P(S10 = 1 | S7 = 0)。
iv。 ESn和var(Sn)。
对于此链,有两个递归类R1 = {6,7}和R2 = {1,2,5},并且
一个瞬态类R3 = {3,4}。
(b)假设X0 = 3,求出链被R1吸收的概率。
(c)假设X0 = 3,找到直到链的预期时间(步数)
E [T | X0 = 3]。
3. An apparatus consists of two containers C1 and C2, and four balls, in one or the
other of the two containers. At regular times the following procedure is carried out:
with probability θ a ball is chosen uniformly at random (from all four balls) and
is removed from its container and placed in the other one; with probability 1 − θ
things are left as they were. Let Xn denote the number of balls in container C1 at
time n.
(a) Explain why Xn forms a Markov chain with stationary transition probabilities.
(b) Complete the following transition matrix P
P =
1 − θ θ ∗ ∗ ∗
θ/4 1 − θ 3θ/4 ∗ ∗
0 θ/2 ∗ ∗ ∗
∗ ∗ ∗ 1 − θ θ/4
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 1 − θ
(c) Classify the states, taking care to distinguish the cases θ = 0, 0 < θ < 1 and
θ = 1.
Draw a transition diagram to aid your explanation.
(d) Suppose 0 < θ < 1. Calculate the stationary distribution π = (π0, · · · , π4).
Explain briefly why the distribution is the same for all θ ∈ (0, 1).
(e) Suppose 0 < θ < 1. What is the limit of P
, where P is the transition matrix
given in part (b)? Explain.
(f) Let mj be the expected time to reach state 4, given X0 = j, for j = 0, 1, 2, 3.
Calculate mj when θ = 0