ECONS 529/543 Econometrics
Lab 1: Matching and OLS Treatment Effects Estimators
reg pastomeome迁移agepa男性岁已婚heightpa出生Tongatapu
reg workincome迁移agepa男性岁已婚heightpa出生Tongatapu pastincome
teffects ra (workincome agepa male years married heightpa bornTongatapu pastincome) (migrate), aequations atet
The options given after the “,” tell the estimator to report the auxiliary equations that lie behind the estimate, and also that we are wanting the average treatement effect on the treated (Stata refers to the ATT as atet). Note that you could reproduce these equations using separate OLS regressions of work income on the X variables, for the migrants and the non-migrants.
What has happened to the apparent income gain from migration once you use a (slightly) more flexible estimator?
The Treatment Effects menu also opens up several other options, in addition to regression adjustment. One we will focus on is propensity score matching, where the “official” Stata command implements this with the following command:
teffects psmatch (workincome) (migrate agepa male years married heightpa bornTongatapu pastincome) , atet
Another way to estimate the propensity score matching estimate of the ATT is to use the pscore.ado file which can be downloaded from the web. Making sure that you have previously set your PLUS directory to h: drive, you can check if it is already installed by typing: help pscore or findit pscore and if it is not there, by using webseek pscore you should be able to download it from within Stata