Robert Sweeny (aged 65) is married to Julie (aged 60). They are living in a suburb in of
the inner Sydney. They have two children, James (aged 26). Charlotte (aged 22) and 2
grandchildren aged 2 and 4
Robert is a partner in an engineering firm. Robert works very long hours and travels
frequently. He can’t wait for the opportunity to slow down so he can have more time to
see his wife and spend time with his grandchildren.
Robert is considering continuing staying involved in retirement by potentially taking on a
company board position and possibly undertaking consultation projects in his area of
Julie is a senior executive in an IT company. She is currently working full- time; however,
she is planning to reduce her working hours later this year as she would like to assist in
looking after the grandchildren. She is considering the possibility of using her
superannuation to supplement her income. She was told by a work colleague about using
her superannuation to draw income in a form of a Transition to Retirement Pension
(TTRP). She would like to get more information on TTRP and whether this is an option
she can or should consider.
Robert and Julie have been discussing for a while the need for them to see a financial
adviser to help them put in place a plan for retirement. They would also like to know the
impact of the latest superannuation changes on their retirement plan. They would also
like a plan to manage some upcoming expenses including their planed holiday, buying a
new car and house renovations.
Robert and Julie have a very strong belief to remain close to their children and
grandchildren and assist them in every way possible. They are also realistic with regards
to the fact they need to look after themselves and recognise the fact they need to be able
to meet their expenses in retirement.
Both Robert and Julie have reasonable experience when it comes to investment and
management of their financial affairs. Although in recent times Robert and Julie have
been too busy to pay attention to their financial affairs, they feel this will be different in
retirement where they would have ample time to manage their financial affairs and take
control of their finances and investments as they both feel this is important for them.
Robert and Julie have decided to come and see you. Julie made an appointment for both
Robert and herself for an initial consultation with you.