1.以下是政府安全交易员A. G. Fredwards的资产负债表。市场收益率用括号括起来,金额以百万为单位。
现金$ 20 1个月期国库券(7.05%)150 3个月期国库券(7.25%)150 2年期国库券(7.50%)100 8年期国库券(8.96%)200
(每6个月重设8.20%)50总资产$ 670
如果计划期为30天,则重新定价差距是多少? 3个月? 2年?
金额期限国债$ 90 0.50国债55 0.90国债176 x贷款2,724 7.00存款2,092 1.00
238 0.01715
(e)整个收益率曲线相对上移0.5%(即∆R /(1 + R)= 0.0050)对股票市场价值的预测影响是什么?
(f)如果收益率曲线向下移动0.25%(即∆R /(1 + R)= −0.0025),则对股票市场价值的预测影响是什么?
(a)如果市场收益率立即变化+/- 0.10%,债券的新价格将是多少?如果市场收益率立即变化+/- 2.00%,那么新价格将是多少?
考虑一家有未偿还银行贷款的公司,该公司因此需要偿还900美元。该公司的未分配利润为300美元,可以作为对公司股东的股利支付,也可以投资于一个项目,该项目将在一个时期内产生单一现金流量。该公司可以选择投资一个安全项目S或一个风险项目R。因此,该安全项目肯定会在一个时期内产生$ 1000,而该风险项目将产生$ 2000的概率为0.4,而没有概率的概率为0.6。假设每个人都是风险中立的,且贴现率为零。哪个项目的公司总NPV更高?假设做出决策以最大化股东财富,公司将选择哪个项目?
考虑一个需要350美元投资于一个项目的公司,该项目将在一个时期内产生单一现金流量。公司知道这种现金流量的概率分布,但是没有人知道。作为银行家,您只知道该公司是低风险(L)还是高风险(H)。如果它是L,那么它将在一个周期内以概率0.8产生$ 500,而以概率0.2产生任何收益。如果它是H,它将在一个周期内产生概率为0.6的$ 1500,而概率为0.4则不产生任何收益。公司本身知道它是H还是L。假定任何债务的本金和利息还款都可以减税。适用于该公司的公司税率为0.2。该公司的账簿上目前没有股权资本,但是如果需要的话,它将筹集股权。公司被锁定为L或H,但是作为银行家,您无法确定它是哪种类型。假设每个人都是风险中立的,并且贴现率(以及银行的资金成本)为零。此外,您的银行具有竞争力(对贷款定价以赚取零预期利润)。构建一个计划,该计划由两个不同的贷款合同组成(一个要求借款人用股权资本部分地为项目融资,而另一个则不需要股权),这样公司就可以通过选择贷款合同来如实地披露其私人信息。 (请参阅主题5,示例5.2
1. The balance sheet of A. G. Fredwards, a government security dealer, is listed below. Market yields are in parentheses and amounts are in millions.
Cash $ 20 1-month T-bills (7.05%) 150 3-month T-bills (7.25%) 150 2-year T-notes (7.50%) 100 8-year T-notes (8.96%) 200
5-year munis (floating rate)
(8.20% reset every 6 months) 50 Total assets $670
Liabilities and Equity Overnight repos $340 Subordinated debt
7-year fixed rate (8.55%) 300
Equity 30 Total liabilities and equity $670
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
What is the repricing gap if the planning period is 30 days? 3 months? 2 years?
What is the impact over the next three months on net interest income if interest rates on RSAs increase 50 basis points and on RSLs increase 60 basis points?
What is the impact over the next two years on net interest income if interest rates on RSAs increase 50 basis points and on RSLs increase 60 basis points?
Explain the difference in your answers to parts (b) and (c). Why is one answer a negative change in NII, while the other is positive?
2. The
dollars and duration in years) for a financial institution:
following balance sheet information is available (amounts in thousands of
Amount Duration T-bills $ 90 0.50 T-notes 55 0.90 T-bonds 176 x Loans 2,724 7.00 Deposits 2,092 1.00
Federal funds Equity
238 0.01 715
Treasury bonds are five-year maturities paying 6 percent semiannually and selling at par.
- (a) What is the duration of the T-bond portfolio?
- (b) What is the average duration of all the assets?
- (c) What is the average duration of all the liabilities?
- (d) What is the leverage adjusted duration gap? What is the interest rate risk exposure?
- (e) What is the forecasted impact on the market value of equity caused by a relative upward shift in the entire yield curve of 0.5 percent (i.e., ∆R/(1+R) = 0.0050)?
- (f) If the yield curve shifts downward 0.25 percent (i.e., ∆R/(1+R) = −0.0025), what is the forecasted impact on the market value of equity?
- (g) What variables are available to the financial institution to immunize the bal- ance sheet? How much would each variable need to change to get DGAP to equal 0?
- MLK Bank has an asset portfolio that consists of $100 million of 30-year, 8 percent coupon, $1,000 bonds that sell at par.
- (a) What will be the bonds’ new prices if market yields change immediately by +/− 0.10 percent? What will be the new prices if market yields change immediately by +/− 2.00 percent?
- (b) The duration of these bonds is 12.1608 years. What are the predicted bond prices in each of the four cases using the duration rule? What is the amount of error between the duration prediction and the actual market values?
- (c) Given that convexity is 212.4, what are the bond price predictions in each of the four cases using the