RM 432: Risk Management for Financial Managers
Assignment 2 April 2, 2021
作业问题应以两人一组的形式完成。不要与其他团体的学生分享您的作品。仅提交您的小组成员所做的原始工作。。作业的标记将基于(1)您如何得出解决方案的;(2)解决方案的逻辑是否与课堂上讲授的材料一致? (3)您的结果的介绍。请记住,您必须以简明扼要的方式介绍您的作品。您在视觉和语言上交流工作的方式很重要。您需要提交一个电子表格,其中包含您对数字问题的计算结果,并提交一个单独的文档,其中包含有关概念性问题的答案,并在其中显示获取数字问题解决方案所涉及的关键步骤。
值z P {X≤z} P {Y≤z}
0.1 8%3%
0.2 18%10%
0.3 40%20%
0.4 50%32%
0.5 5%65%48%
绘制两种股票的概率密度函数(pdf)。 (5分)
(a)库存X和Y的危险率。 (b)E {X}和E {Y}
(a)P {X≤0.6,Y≤0.9}
(b)P {X≤0.8,0.3≤Y≤0.6}
(c)E {X | Y = 0.7}(d)E {Y | X = 0.5}
2. 2年股票期权
3. 7年期利率掉期。
The assignment questions are to be completed in groups of two. Do not share your work with students from other groups. Only original work done by your group members is to be submitted. Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this class. The assignment will be marked based on (1) How you arrive at the solution, (2) Is the solution logical, consistent with the materials taught in class? (3) The presentation of your results. Remember, you must present your work in a clear and concise manner. How you communicate your work visually and verbally matters. You are require to submit a spreadsheet with your calculations for the numerical questions and a separate document with the answer for the conceptual questions and where you show the key steps involved to get the solution of the numerical questions.
Assignment due: April 10th by 11:59 pm (EST).
Question 1 (10 points)
The value of a company’s equity is $2.5 million and the volatility of the equity is 50%. The debt that will have to be paid in three years is $10 million. The risk-free interest rate is 2.5% per annum.
1. What is the difference between risk-neutral versus real-world probabilities?
2. Use Merton’s model to estimate the probability of a default on the debt in the next three years.
Question 2 (20 points)
Suppose that you observe the following empirical distributions for stocks X and Y .
Valuez P{X≤z} P{Y≤z}
- 0.1 8% 3%
- 0.2 18% 10%
- 0.3 40% 20%
- 0.4 50% 32%
- 0.5 65% 48%
- 0.6 78% 65%
- 0.7 90% 80%
- 0.8 95% 90%
- 0.9 98% 95%
- Plot the probability density functions (pdf) for both stocks. (5 pts)
- Compute (5 pts)
(a) The hazard rates of stocks X and Y . (b) E{X}andE{Y}
- Assume that stocks X and Y have a correlation coefficient of 0.7. Use the gaussian copula to compute (10 pts)
(a) P{X ≤ 0.6,Y ≤ 0.9}
(b) P {X ≤ 0.8, 0.3 ≤ Y ≤ 0.6}(c) E{X|Y =0.7} (d) E {Y |X = 0.5}
Question 3 (10 points)
Consider following transactions with the same counterparty 1. 3 year foreign exchange forward
(a) Principal 900
(b) Current Value -90
2. 2 year option on stock
(a) Principal 600
(b) Current Value 55
3. 7 year interest rate swap.
(a) Principal 600
(b) Current Value 90
Under Basel I, what is RWA WITH and WITHOUT netting if counterparty is a corporation? How much capital has to be set aside?