Spring 2020, Capstone Project Proposal
Capstone Project Proposal Guideline:
A capstone project is the culminating experience for students in the BS Degree in Computer Science. The capstone provides students with the opportunity to apply and integrate key concepts from each course in their program of study.
A capstone project proposal must be submitted to the blackboard by Thursday, Jan. 30, 2020.
Once submitted, the proposal cannot be changed. It can be modified only if it is justified and approved.
Project should be significant, practical and address a current real world problem.
The following is a guideline for preparing the proposal.
Title Page: Name, Advisor (if any), Capstone project title
Setting/Context: In what computer environment are you going to complete your capstone experience?
Capstone Problem and Rationale: Describe the technology-related need, problem, or question to be addressed by the capstone. What does the literature say about addressing this
A brief review of the literature supports the importance of fulfilling this need/problem/question,convincing the reader of capstone’s value. The literature review establishes the foundational knowledge required to address this need/problem/question effectively.
Spring 2020, Capstone Project Proposal
Based on the need/problem/question you found, what are your objectives?
How do you plan to respond to this need/problem/question?
What deliverables will result from this capstone? [Bulleted lists]
Criteria: The bulleted list clearly address meeting the need/problem/question stated in a comprehensive manner. Objectives are written well. Deliverables are realistic and will help fulfill the stated objectives.
Project Description:
a. Narrative: Describe what you will be doing.
b. Timeline: Provide a table or chart that describes your schedule.
c. Resources: What materials, hardware, software, devices, tools, data will you need to complete your capstone?
Criteria: The model narrative articulates the project such that the reader can envision how the objectives will be achieved.
2020 年春季,Capstone 项目提案
Capstone 项目提案指南:
顶点项目是计算机科学学士学位学生的最终体验。 顶点为学生提供了在他们的学习计划中应用和整合每门课程的关键概念的机会。
顶点项目提案必须在 2020 年 1 月 30 日星期四之前提交到黑板上。
提案一经提交,便无法更改。 只有在合理和批准的情况下才能修改。
扉页:姓名、顾问(如果有)、Capstone 项目标题
顶点问题和基本原理:描述顶点要解决的与技术相关的需求、问题或问题。 关于解决这个问题,文献怎么说
对文献的简要回顾支持满足这一需求/问题/问题的重要性,让读者相信顶点的价值。 文献综述建立了有效解决此需求/问题/问题所需的基础知识。
2020 年春季,Capstone 项目提案
这个顶点会产生什么可交付成果? [项目符号列表]
标准:项目符号列表清楚地解决了以综合方式陈述的需求/问题/问题。 目标写的很好。 可交付成果是现实的,将有助于实现既定目标。
A。 叙述:描述你将要做什么。
b. 时间表:提供描述您的日程安排的表格或图表。
C。 资源:你需要什么材料、硬件、软件、设备、工具和数据来完成你的顶点?