
School of Computing Technologies

COSC2626/2640 Cloud Computing

Assessment 2







•使用AWS EC2,S3和DynamoDB服务开发基于云的应用程序






任务1 [19分]




使用您在Tute 4和Tute 5中学到的知识,使用您选择的编程语言S3和DynamoDB创建一个简单的在线音乐订阅应用程序,并将其托管在一个免费的EC2实例中(使用Ubuntu Server 20.04 / 18.04 LTS AMI)。具有以下组件和功能:


1.1。在DynamoDB中创建一个包含10个具有以下属性和值的实体的“登录”表。 1分

1.2。编写一个程序,使用以下属性在DynamoDB中自动创建“音乐”表。 1分


1.3。编写一个程序,将数据从a2.json自动加载到音乐表中。 1分

编写一个程序,根据a2.json中的image_url值自动下载所有艺术家图像,并将图像上传到S3。 2分



3.1。如果用户凭证无效,则登录页面将显示“电子邮件或密码无效”。 1分

3.2。如果用户凭证有效,它将被重定向到主页。 1分



4.1。如果输入的电子邮件与登录表中存储的电子邮件匹配,则注册页面将显示“电子邮件已存在”。 1分




和密码。 1分


1. Overview

This assignment consists of 2 tasks:

  • Task 1: Develop an EC2, S3 and DynamoDB based application based on a programming language of your choice
  • Task 2: Further develop your draft proposal for Assessment 3

    2. Assessment Criteria

    This assessment will develop your ability to:

Develop cloud-based applications using AWS EC2, S3 and DynamoDB services

3. Learning Outcomes
This assessment is relevant to the following Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop and deploy cloud applications using popular cloud platforms
  • Design and develop highly scalable cloud-based applications by creating and configuring virtual

    machines on the cloud and building private cloud.

4. Assessment details

Task-1 [19 marks]

Assessment Type: Individual assignment; no group work. Submit online via Canvas→Assignments→Assessment 2. Marks awarded for meeting requirements as closely as possible. Clarifications/updates may be made via announcements/relevant discussion forums.

Due date: 11:59pm, Friday 30/Apr/2021 Please check CanvasAssignmentsAssessment 2 for the most up to date information.
As this is a major assignment in which you demonstrate your understanding, a university standard late penalty of 10% per each working day applies for up to 5 working days late, unless special consideration has been granted.


Create a simple online music subscription application with a programming language of your choice, S3 and DynamoDB and host it in a free-tier EC2 instance (with Ubuntu Server 20.04/18.04 LTS AMI) using your learned knowledge in Tute 4 and Tute 5 which will have following components and functions:

DynamoDB: 3 marks

1.1. Create a “login” table in DynamoDB containing 10 entities with the following attributes and values. 1 mark

  1. 1.2.  Write a program to automatically create a “music” table in DynamoDB with the following attributes. 1 mark

    title, artist, year, web_url, image_url

  2. 1.3.  Write a program to automatically load the data from a2.json to your music table. 1 mark
  1. Write a program to automatically download all the artist images according to the image_url values in a2.json and upload the images into S3. 2 marks
  2. login page 2 marks

    The login page contains an “Email” text field, a “Password” field, and a “Login” button as well as a register link. When user clicks the “Login” button, it will validate if the user entered credentials match with the information stored in the login table.

    1. 3.1.  If the user credential is invalid, the login page will display “email or password is invalid”. 1 mark
    2. 3.2.  If the user credential is valid, it will be redirected to the main page. 1 mark
  3. register page 3 marks

    The register page contains an “Email” text field, a “Username” a “Password” field, and a “Register” button. When a user clicks the “Register” button, it will validate if the user entered email matches with the email stored in the login table.

    1. 4.1.  If the entered email matches with the email stored in the login table, the register page will show “The email already exists”. 1 mark
    2. 4.2.  If the entered email is unique,
      1. 4.2.1.  the new user information will be stored in the login table, and 1 mark
      2. 4.2.2.  the user will be redirected to the login page, where user can login with the new email

    and password. 1 mark

5. main page 9 marks