

Section 1


1.Your answers for this question. And interpretations, and so on. This could be for one of the more open-ended questions about some of the theoretical aspects of the module.


FIGURE 1: Histogram of district-level black turnout percentage

Here is a histogram with axis labels and a main title, and I can add some interpretation about what I see in Figure 1.


Here I have a box plot, where I have labelled the x and y axes, labelled the categories, and added a main title. I can then interpret what I see in Figure 2. Note that I can include the figure title as a caption (as in Figure 1) or in the plot main title (as in Figure 2).

3.TABLE 1: regression model of voting-age black population and black turnout


Model 1


(Intercept)    37.59 ***


CVAP            0.20 ***



R^2             0.03

Adj. R^2        0.03

Num. obs.    1237


*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

I have pasted in the output from screenreg when reporting the results of my regression model. I have used Courier font to make sure that the output is formatted correctly. However, I could also add in my own well-formatted tables. I can then interpret the results in Table 1.

4.FIGURE 3: Plot of district-level voting-age black population and black turnout

I have my plot here. I have added axis labels and a main title. I have also added a regression line. I can then add my interpretation of what I see in the plot.


# Preliminary steps




# Read in the data set

blackturnout <- read.csv(“data/blackturnout.csv”)

# Multiply by 100 to convert to percentage points

blackturnout$turnout <- blackturnout$turnout * 100

blackturnout$CVAP <- blackturnout$CVAP * 100

# 2a

# Histogram of black turnout



xlab=”Black Turnout Percentage”,

main=”Histogram of black turnout”)

# 2b

# Boxplots of black turnout by whether there was a black candidate

boxplot(turnout ~ candidate, data = blackturnout,

names = c(“No Black Candidate”, “Black Candidate”),

ylab = “Voter turnout (black voters)”,

xlab = “One or more black candidates”,

main=”Black voter turnout and black candidate”)

# 3

# Regression model with black turnout as Y and percentage of voting-age black individuals as X

turnout_cvap_ols <- lm(turnout ~ CVAP, blackturnout)


# 4

# Plot of voting-age black population and black turnout

plot(blackturnout$CVAP, blackturnout$turnout,

xlab = ” Percentage of voting-age black population”,

ylab = “Voter turnout (black voters)”,

main=”Voter turnout versus voting-age population”)

# Add in the regression line

abline(turnout_cvap_ols, col = “blue”)