
Lab Reports (6 in total worth 70% of your mark)
The lab reports will be used to see whether you can write a lab report using simulated laboratory data and observations. An experimental lab procedure and simulated lab data will be provided for each experiment (except for experiment 5, which will be a theory experiment). Lab reports will be graded in Canvas by teaching assistants (TA’s) using a rubric marking key based on the following general guidelines:

a) Following submission rules and format (see the submission and format points below). Note that a score of zero on the entire report will be given if the lab report is not submitted to both Canvas AND Turnitin.

b) Quality of writing (e.g. using correct grammar, sentence structure, punctuation or syntax).

c) Structure (e.g. is there a strong beginning, middle and end). Does the student show a clear
introduction, discussion and conclusion? Are citations appropriately included where needed?

d) Calculations. Note that you will not show calculations in the actual lab report that you submit
(because the lab report itself must be typed; see later in the formatting details). Instead, you will
submit a separate hand-written set of calculations for the lab using the simulated data that is
provided (this is discussed in more detail later in this section). There are no calculations for lab
report 1 and 5 however there will be some calculations for all other lab reports.

e) Discussion. The discussion is the most import overall aspect of the lab report. Have you shown an
understanding of the experiment? What was done and why? Do you understand the chemistry?
Can you explain the observations and results? Have you addressed a range of discussion topics
relevant to the experiment? Were you able to communicate the material in a clear and concise
f) Extra Content. Does the student offer suggestions or improvements on the procedure? What are
some sources of error that are relevant?
Lab Report Format
1) No title or cover pages are allowed.
2) Must be typed using 12-point font, single-spaced and a maximum of two pages (there is no
minimum). Hand-written lab reports will not be accepted, and you will be given a score of zero if
that is the case.
3) pdf format (no other format will be accepted)
4) Must be submitted in Canvas AND Turnitin.com (having a Turnitin account is necessary in order
to complete this course). It is your responsibility to submit your assignments correctly. Failure to do so will result in penalties and/or a score of zero on the entire report (see opening introduction).
Note that this is the reason why the lab report cannot be hand-written. Turnitin will not recognize handwriting.