


例如,请阅读有关“强烈的文化认同感推动毛利人商业繁荣”的案例 https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/article/2018/02/27/strong-sense-culture-identity -驱动繁荣毛利人业务。但是,您为进一步/延期评估选择的案例必须与本案例不同。


此作业的预期长度为 700 字(不包括目录和参考文献)。请使用 Times New Roman 12 磅字体,1.5 行距。写作应该是学术风格,报告结构清晰。

Here is the topic for your further/deferred assessment:

“A short analysis of indigenous businesses and cultural identity”


As an example, please read this case on “Strong sense of cultural identity drives boom in Māori businesshttps://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/article/2018/02/27/strong-sense-cultural-identity-drives-boom-maori-business. However, your selected case for your further/deferred assessment has to be different from this case.

As to the structure and expectations, the following points are useful to note:

  • This assessment requires you to produce a well-written and well-researched report supported by a minimum of five references. At least two of these references should come from academic peer-reviewed (scholarly) sources and the remainder from company reports, news reports, media articles, relevant websites etc.
  • This assessment is to be written in a report format (with table of contents, headings, and subheadings)
  • Concepts and theories are very important for this assessment and they should be discussed under Literature Review.
  • A real life case example is an essential part of this assessment (there are exemplars in the Assessment folder on the blackboard site for relevant case examples).
  • Note that the Chicago referencing style is the only acceptable referencing style for written work in this unit.
  • The expected length of this assignment is 700 words (excluding the table of content and references). Please use Times New Roman 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing. The writing should be in scholarly style with a clear report structure.