
A 部分:流程和分析

1000 字 (50%)

1 – 您是当地政府的规划师。你所在的当地政府的民选委员会有争议地决定出售它在 St Kilda East 丹德农路 160 号和 150-200 号拥有的土地,在重新分区以使其价值尽可能合理之后。

你的工作是为市议会写一份报告,概述对以下三点的回应,总体目标是在计划修改后获得最高的土地出售价格;同时实现相关规划方案和规划与环境法 (1987) 的目标和目标:



1 – 无需访问该站点。这是一个桌面练习。

2 – 这不是一个财产或房地产问题,因此您可以对可能实现土地最高售价的用途和开发类型做出假设。

Part A: Processes & Analysis

1000 words (50%)

– You are a local government planner. The elected Council of the local government for which you work has controversially decided to sell land it owns at 160 and 150-200 Dandenong Road, St Kilda East after rezoning it to make it worth as much as reasonably possible.

Your job is to write a report for Council outlining responses to the three points below, with the overall goal of getting the highest price for the sale of land after a scheme amendment; while concurrently achieving the goals and objectives of the relevant planning scheme and Planning and Environment Act (1987):

  1. what planning controls currently apply to the land?
  2. what new zone and/ or overlays would be appropriate for a scheme amendment applying to the subject land, with reasons?
  3. what steps would need to be undertaken to achieve a successful amendment process, and what might be the likely impediments to success?


1 – there is no need to visit the site. This is a desktop exercise.

2 – this is not intended as a property or real estate question, so you can make assumptions about the types of uses and developments that might achieve the greatest sale price of the land.