
BS3589 International Business Logistics

Waters (2007) highlighted 8 different alternative responses a company could have to an identified risk, each best suited to different circumstances:

1. Ignore or accept the risk
2. Reduce the probability of the risk
3. Reduce or limit the consequences
4. Transfer, share or deflect the risk
5. Make contingency plans
6. Adapt to it
7. Oppose a change
8. Move to another environment.

Using a company of your choice:
A) Analyse TWO of the risks your company is likely to be exposed to (a supply risk and a demand risk);
B) Choose ONE of the identified risks and critically assess the adoption of ONE of the above responses as a possible risk management strategy.

• Each student should choose one company (Please e-mail me your choice by 7th of November, 2019).
• An essay of no more than 2000 words (excluding tables, figures and list of references) will need to be submitted before 5th of December, 2019.

Continuous Assessment
The assignment will account for 40% of the final module mark.

Marking criteria (see also document attached)
• The fit with the coursework brief indicates how well you have matched the requirements from the original coursework document.
• Knowledge / Comprehension shows a thorough grasp of the principles, key concepts and theoretical approaches relevant to the subject.
• The quality of your arguments is very important and whether or not your work shows understanding of the topic will be reflected in the overall grade.
• Presentation reflects the effort put into communicating your points effectively, of which printing and font quality are only small parts.
• Reading and Research illustrates the depth of research undertaken. Poor referencing or plagiarism will be strongly penalised.

Note: Each criterion will be assessed on a five point scale – Excellent, Good, OK, Weak and Poor.


BS3589 国际商务物流

Waters(2007 年)强调了公司对已识别风险可能有的 8 种不同的备选应对措施,每种应对措施最适合不同的情况:

3. 减少或限制后果
8. 转移到另一个环境。

A) 分析贵公司可能面临的两种风险(供应风险和需求风险);
B) 选择一项已识别的风险,并批判性地评估采用上述其中一项应对措施作为可能的风险管理策略。

• 每个学生应选择一家公司(请在 2019 年 11 月 7 日之前将您的选择通过电子邮件发送给我)。
• 需要在2019年12月5日之前提交一篇不超过2000字的文章(不包括表格、图表和参考文献)。

该作业将占最终模块分数的 40%。

• 与课程作业简介的契合度表明您与原始课程作业文件的要求的匹配程度。
• 知识/理解表明对与该主题相关的原则、关键概念和理论方法有透彻的掌握。
• 你论证的质量非常重要,你的工作是否表明你对主题的理解将反映在总成绩中。
• 表达反映了为有效传达您的观点所付出的努力,印刷和字体质量只是其中的一小部分。
• 阅读与研究说明了所进行研究的深度。 引用不当或抄袭将受到严厉处罚。
