


Students will undertake a creative research project in the form of a video essay, relating an academic theory /concept -which is discussed in the unit- to a technology/case study of their choice. It may be based on their blog projectthat they have presented in Weeks 2, 3, 4 &5, or alternatively students can choose another topic related to the unit (subject to an approval from the teacher). Students will critically analyse the selected digital media technology/case study using the chosen theory. They will explore the cultural contexts and impacts of the technology/ case study. These projectsshould not just give a technological description, or historical narrative of the case study. They must explore the social and political dimensions of the technology and make a specific argument in response to the question.

Students will not be marked on their production skills. However, students will receive workshops in class on how these types of media can convey information. Students will be marked on how well they make use their chosen media form.


Individual Task


This is not a hurdle assessment.


Academic Publications


  1. Students should appear in the video (There should be clear shots of their face in the video, in at least one scene)
  1. Word/time limits: Videos should be no more than 4 minutes (Minimum 3 minutes).Transcript of the video should be submitted on Turnitin.
  1. Transcript is expected to be exactly the same as what is presented in the video (Including in-text citations). Word count is 700 words, excluding references.
  1. You are supposed to use original footage. If you are including video clips (from secondary sources), it should not be more than 15 seconds to the maximum number of two clips per submission.
  1. Student MUST use at least four academic sources. Two of these sources should be from the unit readings, and two should be based on independent research.
  1. Student must use only creative commonsfiles. They should be presented in your references list after your 4 academic sources.
  1. Submissions with no transcript are subject to 50 percent penalty as specified in the marking rubric.


Students should submit TWO files:

  1. A transcript of their video to be submitted as a PDF/ Word document to Turnitin. The transcript should include in-text citations (as required) and a final reference list.
  1. The video project submitted to assignment link on iLearn. The maximum video size should be 500 MB.

Students who submit a document on Turnitin without a transcript / or a video project can only claim from the remaining 50 percent of the marks allocated for this task.


Late submissions are possible but they will be penalised unless the student has been granted an approved extension (refer to the Special Consideration Policy). Late penalties will be calculated basedon the marks allocated to the specific assessment task. The penalty for late submission is as follows:

  • 5% of the total possible marks will be deducted if it is late by up to 30 minutes
  • 10% of the total possible marks will be deducted if it is more than 30 minutes late and up to 24 hours late
  • A further 10% of the total possible marks will be deducted for each 24-hour period up to 3 days (including weekends)
  • 100% of the marks will be deducted after 3 days and zero marks will be awarded

Please note that online submissions are electronically tracked, and the electronic record of submission will be used to determine late penalties. This means that submitting your work even a few seconds after the allocated deadline will result in a late submission which will attract the penalty noted above.

There is no flexibility with the applying of penalties as they must be applied fairly and consistently to allstudents. It is your responsibility to allow sufficient time for submission of your work and any uploading of documents so try to avoid submitting your work just prior to the deadline.


Student are required to keep a copy of all items submitted or completed for the purpose of assessment or evaluation until the end of the grade appeal period.


In class and on iLearn


Using the work or ideas of another person, whether intentionally or not, and presenting them as yourown without clear acknowledgement of the source is called Plagiarism.Macquarie University promotes awareness of information ethics through its Academic Integrity Policy.This means that:

  • all academic work claimed as original must be the work of the person making the claim
  • all academic collaborations of any kind must be acknowledged
  • academic work must not be falsified in any way
  • when the ideas of others are used, these ideas must be acknowledged appropriately.

All breaches of the Academic Integrity Policy are serious and penalties apply. Students should beaware that they may fail an assessment task, a unit or even be excluded from the University for breaching the Academic Integrity Policy


Students are responsible for their learning and are expected to:

  • actively engage with assessment tasks, including carefully reading the guidance provided, understanding criteria, spending sufficient time on the task and submitting work on time;
  • Read, reflect and act on feedback provided;
  • Actively engage in activities designed to develop assessment literacy, including taking the initiative where appropriate (e.g. seeking clarification or advice, negotiating learning contracts, developing grading criteria and rubrics);
  • Provide constructive feedback on assessment processes and tasks through student feedback mechanisms (e.g. student surveys, suggestions for future offerings, student representation on committees);
  • Ensure that their work is their own; and
  • Be familiar with University policy and faculty procedures and act in accordance with those policy and procedures.