
故事按 ATU (Aarne-Thompson-Uther) 编号。但是因为图书馆访问不是给定的
在线课程,我鼓励您使用 D. L. Ashiman 策划的在线故事聚合作为您的
各种 Bluebeard 版本 (ATU 312)

各种版本的故事美女与野兽(ATU 425C)

各种版本的故事姐妹寻找她的兄弟 (ATU 451)


(ATU 300-749)。您还可以包括您选择分析的民间故事的其他版本,而不是
那些聚合在 Ashli​​man 的网站上。 (但请注意,您可能不包括故事的电影版本

For this short assignment, you will be wri”ng a more formal essay than the previous assignments have
asked for. For this assignment, I ask you to compare three versions (“variants”) of the same tale type
collected in three different locales. The variants can be from three different cultures, or from a single
culture. Many folktale collec”ons provide an index at the back of the book that iden”fies the included
stories by ATU (Aarne-Thompson-Uther) number. But because library access is not a given for this
online course, I encourage you to use D. L. Ashiman’s curated online aggrega”ons of tales as your
source. Some good examples to choose from in his online repository are the following:
a variety of Bluebeard versions (ATU 312)

a variety of versions of the story Beauty and the Beast (ATU 425C)

a variety of versions of the story Sister Seeking Her Brothers (ATU 451)

You may select other tale types if you prefer, but stay within the limits of the Tales of Magic category

(ATU 300-749). You may also include other versions of the folktales you choose to analyze other than
those aggregated in Ashliman’s site. (Note, however, that you may NOT include movie versions of tales
or literary adapta”ons; fairytales by Hans Chris”an Andersen and Disney’s animated rendi”ons do
NOT count as folktales.) If you are unsure about whether the stories you have selected meet the
criteria for this assignment, please ask!