
3. Term essay

Description: For this task, you are required to propose a research project that:

(i) Identfies a development challenge in the context of a developing country;
(ii) Proposes solutions/intervention(s) to address the challenge; and (iii)

Describes a feasible research design to test how elective the proposed solutions/interventions are in addressing the identfied development challenge.

While the project will not be implemented, it needs to be feasible and useful to policy makers in the country. Students will be assessed both on originality of the research project, and their demonstrated knowledge on conceptual clarity and appropriate empirical identfication strategies. The project does not have to be an RCT. In fact, the use of other identfication strategies (e.g., natural experiments, quasi-experiments) are equally encouraged.

The project will be developed in several steps starting with (i) Identfication of a development challenge (Topic selection) in Week 5, followed by (ii) First version submission in Week 8, (iii) Presentation in Weeks 12-13, and (iv) Final version submission in Week 12.

Thefinal version, due on Friday, 05 November, 5:00 pm, must be submitted online to the assignment Dropbox on Canvas. The maximum allowable word count (excluding tables, references, & appendices) is 2,000 words.

3.2 Term essay – first version

Description: As the title says, this is thefirst version of the essay, and as such,though preliminary, it should contain all the elements of thefinal version of the essay. In particular, by this stage, students should have already identfied a development challenge which has been agreed with the unit coordinator. In addition, students should have already discovered solutions/interventions to address the development challenge. This implies, students have already completed a comprehensive literature review, and they also know their sources of data and/or experimental design.

What you should submit: Students should follow the structure of thefinal version of the essay suggested in the next page. However, it is unlikely that all the sections (described in 3.3), especially the last two sections will be completed at this stage.

Grading weight: 0% of the course grade. While no weight is attached to it,the submission is a necessary condition to receive feedback from a peer and the Unit Coordinator.

3.3 Term essay – final version

What you should submit: Thefinal version of the essay, should contain the following sections:

S1. Introduction (15% of the assessment weight)
S2. Literature review (20% of the assessment weight)
S3. Data/Experimental Design (30% of the assessment weight)
S4. Empirical Methodology (20% of the assessment weight)
S5. References (5% of the assessment weight)

Use the Harvard style: See the USYD Library Link

Overall quality and clarity of presentation (10% of the assessment weight) Please submit your essay to the assignment dropbox on Canvas. You may want to follow the standard university procedure, including the compliance statement etc. Note that the submitted output must be fully based on your own work.