

重考应该是根据您收到的反馈对您的第一次评估进行的返工。在除了改进你之前的提交,你还需要写一篇 300 字的反思您在其中讨论您如何考虑第一次提交的反馈的帐户修改你的工作,以及它现在如何满足学习成果。




标准 总体比例
1. 介绍作业并讨论作业的重要性
谈判 10%
2. 讨论谈判的关键原则和技巧 30%
3. 讨论你的工具和技术的应用
谈判到现实生活场景 20%
4. 对进一步专业领域的思考
改进? 25%
5. 总结 5%
6. 研究和资源 10%
总计 100%

2. 对如何在业务场景中进行有效谈判的可证明的知识;
3. 在现实世界场景中实际应用谈判技巧


Assessment Information

The resit should be a rework of your first assessment based upon the feedback you have received. In addition to improving your previous submission, you are also required to write a 300 word reflective account in which you discuss how you have taken into account the feedback on your first submission to amend your work, and how it now meets the Learning Outcomes.

This assignment is an individual assignment.

Criteria for Assessment

You are required to complete a reflective report on your understanding and practical experience of negotiation. The table below details the weightings of the criteria by which your work will be assessed:

Criteria Proportion of overall
module mark
1. Introduction to the assignment and discuss the importance of
negotiation 10%
2. Discuss the key principles and techniques of negotiation 30%
3. Discuss your application of the tools and techniques of
negotiation to a real life scenario 20%
4. Reflections on areas for your further professional
development: what do you do well and what areas need
improvement? 25%
5. Summary 5%
6. Research and resources 10%
Total 100%

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:
1. Understand the fundamental principles of negotiation;
2. Demonstrable knowledge of how to effectively negotiate in business scenarios;
3. Practically apply negotiation techniques within real world scenarios

The learning outcomes are provided here for information. Your ability to meet the learning outcomes will be
assessed by the assignment requirements and criteria for assessment given.