

Do a short report for each practical, ie #1, #2, #3.

The total mark for the DNA Practical is 15 marks, so each individual one is worth 5 marks.

Introduction: (max 250 words) 30% (ie 1.5 marks)

–  Synopsis of what the experiment was about. What were the key concepts?

–  What were the main aims?


Methods: (couple of sentences) 5% (ie 0.25 marks)

– Can refer to Lab Notes in One Notes, brief description of the methods used.


Results and Discussion (roughly a page) 60% (ie 3 marks)

– Display data appropriately, as per a Figure with appropriate caption. This would include data that you generated, ie a plot for the sensor prac, or outputs from CanDoor Cadnano or NUPACK screenshots where asked.

– Results text that accompanies the figures describing what you did and observed. This
should refer to the figures.

– Discussion consists of inferences from results. This is primarily answering all the blue questions in the lab report. In many cases these have been answered for you, but you should still include this with the extra work and no gaps (ie, the maths behind the square tile and the emoji calculations, some calculations have been left out).

References (1-2 refs max where appropriate) 5% (ie 0.25 marks)

– Write appropriate references relevant to the report where needed (ie, the main paper for the sensor, references for cadnano/cando where appropriate).

A Sway describing writing reports in previous years can be found here:



The allocation of marks is slightly different in this year, I have removed the ‘writing quality’
as this will just be assessed as part of the mark given for introduction/results. The methods
and references should really be nearly ‘free’ marks here. The focus is on answering the
questions and presenting data/figures appropriately in the report.