An annotated bibliography is a list of research source (i.e., a bibliography) on a particular topic of research, accompanied by a brief commentary on each entry. The commentary provides a summary and evaluation of the entry relative to the topic of research. It can be used as a tool for researchers to gain an overview of the literature background at the early stage of their research projects.
Your Task
Your task is to create an annotated bibliography on your chosen research question. In your submission, you should:
- State your research question clearly; and
- List at least five (5) bibliographic items, each with its annotation.
(You can list more than five items, if you want.) Regardless of how many items you list, you will be marked on the overall quality of your bibliography. However, if you list n<5 items,you marks will then be scaled by n/5.
Each bibliographical item should include:
- A full bibliographic citation of the item;
- A brief summary of the item;
- An evaluation of the item’s strengths and weaknesses; and
- A reflection on how this item illuminates or fits with your research question.
See Appendix B, below, for samples of annotated bibliographical items.
Your annotated bibliography should be typed in font size 12, single-line spaced, with 2—2.5cm margins on all sides.
The bibliographic citation can be written in APA, Chicago or Harvard style. However, please pick one and be consistent throughout the bibliography.
Each annotation (i.e., each item excluding the citation) should be about 100—150 words in complete sentences (not bullet points). Marks will be deducted for extraneous annotations.
Submit your completed annotated bibliography electronically to Turnitin through the link on the course Blackboard site before Wednesday, 31st August 2022 4:00pm Brisbane time.
Requests for the granting of extensions must be made online via https://my.uq.edu.au/node/218/2#2 with supporting documentation before the submission due date/time. If an extension is approved, the new agreed date for submission will be noted on the application and the student notified through their student email. Extensions cannot exceed the number of days you suffered from a medical condition, as stated on the medical certificate.
Where an extension has not been previously approved, a penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark allocated for the assessment item will be deducted per day for up to 7 calendar days, at which point any submission will not receive any marks unless an extension has been approved. Each 24-hour block is recorded from the time the submission is due.
Marking Criteria
Criteria Maximum possible marks
Citations 5
- Citation accuracy
- Consistency in citation style
Summary of items 5
- Informativeness of the summary relative to the research question
Evaluation of items 5
- Informativeness and relevance of the evaluation relative to the research question
Reflection of items 5
- Clarity in articulating the relationship between the item and the research question
Total 20
See Appendix A, below, for a detailed marking rubric.
The quality of your research question is not part of the marking criteria. However, the more precise your research question is, the easier it would be for you to achieve some of the criteria above. Likewise, the quality of the bibliographic items is not part of the marking criteria, but typically it would be easier to summarise, evaluate and reflect on more relevant literature. The marking criteria will not be adjusted for difficulty due to your choice of research question and bibliographic items.
Academic Integrity
By submitting your assessment item, you indicate your commitment to UQ’s academic integrity pledge as summarised in the following declaration:
“I certify that I have completed this assessment in an honest, fair and trustworthy manner, that my submitted answers are entirely my own work, and that I have neither given nor received any unauthorised assistance on this assessment”.