第 1 部分:定义和基本概念
1. 下面的方程代表纯情况下的结果方程随机化:
其中 Y 是家庭的月收入,T 是小额信贷干预(T = 1,如果家庭得到干预,如果家庭没有得到干预,则 T = 0),ε 是误差项。 在纯随机化下,小额信贷的影响家庭收入方案由:
2. 定义条件独立假设的概念。
3. 随机化的主要问题是什么?
二、 外部效度
三、 合规性和溢出效应一种。
c. 二、三
d. 仅三
4. 用你自己的话,定义每个概念:
E[易| Di = 1] – E[Yi | Di = 0]:观察到的平均收入差异
E[Y1i | Di = 1] – E[Y0i | Di = 1]:对被治疗者的平均治疗效果
E[Y0i | Di = 1] – E[Y0i | Di = 0]:选择偏差
Part 1: Definitions and Basic Concepts
1. The following equation represents an outcome equation in case of pure
where Y is household’s monthly income, T is a microfinance intervention (T = 1 if
household gets the intervention and T = 0 if household does not get the intervention),
and ε is the error term. Under pure randomization, the impact of microfinance
program on household income is given by:
2. Define the concept of Conditional Independence Assumption.
3. What are the major concerns of randomization?
I. Ethical issues
II. External validity
III. Compliance and spillover-effects
a. All of the above
b. I and II
c. II and III
d. III only
4. In your own words, define each of these concepts:
E[Yi | Di = 1] – E[Yi | Di = 0]: Observed difference in average earnings
E[Y1i | Di = 1] – E[Y0i | Di = 1]: Average treatment effect on the treated
E[Y0i | Di = 1] – E[Y0i | Di = 0]: Selection bias