Embedded system design focuses on gathering useful data, processing that data, and providing a useful representation of information. Real-time embedded signal information is often used to provide extremely important medical information that may be lifesaving. This information is usually gathered using wearable sensors that communicate to an app providing a patient or the caregiver insight to the patient’s health.
In the case of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), a baby less than 1 year old experiences a sudden and unexpected death during sleep. There are no indications of illness, no prior symptoms, and occurs in otherwise healthy infants. Unfortunately, the direct cause of SIDS is unknown.
The objective of this semester’s embedded challenge is to build an embedded system that can determine if a person has stopped breathing for more than 10 seconds, after which, a trigger is activated as a notification or an “alert” that something is wrong.
Challenge Details
- The objective of this challenge is to use a sensor and your microcontroller to detect lack of breathing for more than 10s and to activate a trigger to inform the patient/caregiver. (can be demonstrated on an adult)
- Each team will consist of at most 4 team members. Our TAs will facilitate the team formation.
- You must use your STM32F429 microcontroller.
- You can select ANY single sensor that you choose as long as it cost less than $50. The sensor can be wearable of not.
- You can use an external power bank for power if you wish.
- You must use VSCode/PlatformIO for all development.
- The trigger or alert can be in any form that you choose (visual, sound, etc.)Restrictions:
- This is a team project to be done by teams composed of at most 4 students.
- No other components may be used other than those specified above.
- Only the PlatformIO programming environment must be used.
- You will be allowed to use any drivers/HAL functions available through the IDE
Grading Criteria:
- 50% – Ability to detect lack of breathing for more than 10s. (3 Tries)
- 20% – Robustness/Repeatability
- 15% – Creativity
- 15% – Well written and organized code