

The exam involves the analysis of a dataset, for which you will choose your own research questions that can be answered through statistical analysis of the available data.

Your report should be maximum 5 pages + an Appendix including the (clean and annotated!) analysis code

We will evaluate the reports based on the following points

  1. Formulation of research question(s) (10%)
  2. Choice, justification and presentation of the analysis methods (20%)
  3. Presentation of results in text (20%)
  4. Presentation of results in figures/tables (20%)
  5. Interpretation/conclusions (20%)
  6. Clarity of analysis code (10%)

If you have any (technical) questions, please write me an email and I will respond as quickly as possible.


Good luck!


The following data are from an experiment in which Penstemon plants from three populations were grown in an outdoor common garden. A number of phenotypic measurements were taken, and reproductive success was scored as a measure of fitness.

The data comprise the following variables:

Pop Population of origin

Block Experimental block

flwsize Flower size in mm

FlwDate Flowering date (days since 1. January)

height Plant height in cm

InflorLen Inflorescence length in cm

flowers Number of flowers

aborted Number of aborted flowers

fruits Number of fruits produced

fitness Fitness (a composite measure based on fruit number and weight)

openflws Number of simultaneous open flowers

tscent Total floral scent emission (ng per liter per hour)

The following line will read the data (adjust the file path to where you keep the data file):

dat = read.table(“penstemon.txt”, header=T)