Assignment Title: Group Business Pitch
In groups of 4/5 students formed from your tutorial group.
This part of the assessment is worth 30% of your overall mark for the module. All students will receive the same mark (unless unequal contribution is reported and evidenced).
Description of the assignment, task, content and structure:
As a group, drawing on the business ideas proposed through group brainstorming exercises and in the Creative Business Ideas Posters (CW1), collectively choose ONE idea. The idea selected should be innovative and viable.
As a group, you will design and deliver a persuasive verbal pitch for the selected business idea and will provide an overview of the key parts of the business plan through supporting PowerPoint slides.
The pitch should be designed to be delivered to ‘potential investors’ and should be a maximum of 5 minutes long, followed by a few minutes to address any questions.
Pitches will take place during week commencing 18th March 2023. Tutorial times & rooms will be used where possible.
Groups may create and bring other supporting resources e.g. mock prototype, branded merchandise, other visual aids etc to assist the delivery of their pitch and the understanding of the idea. Any written material handed to the tutor should be selective and succinct.
Selective secondary research is recommended and should be fully referenced where included.
Primary market research is not permitted without prior ethics approval and therefore should not be used for this assignment.