TCSC 2500 Rethinking Technology: Progress or Threat?
Assignment 1
Task I Ethical Evaluation of Technoloey (10%)
Study the following passage carefully and answer all questions. Organize your answers into
a short essay (approx. 300 words) explaining the writer’s ethical evaluation. You may quote
the writer’s passage/course materials directly in your answer but direct quotations shall not
exceed 15% of your answer.
“Social networking over the Internet is supposed to connect people. Being ‘connected’ is often
pronounced with an enthusiasm that automatically assumes it is a desirable scenario. However, it
also enables cyberbullying. In 2004, a 13 year-old girl Megan was told to kill herself by her online friend Josh, and Megan did it. It turned out that Josh was the mother of an ex-friend of Megan.
Alarmingly, this type of tragic story is becoming increasingly common.{. .. ] In a 2012 a survey in
the US., Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia showed a stark increase in the number of
suicides resulting.from cyber bullying. Various studies report that 20-40 percent of young people
have been victims. Social networking over the Internet seems to make rhe bullies more powerful.
Often these bullies will set up a website or form a group on Facebook and get others to join in and
make comments about another person. ” (Adapted.from Susan Greenfield, Mind Change (2014),
Chapter 12)
Referring to the above passage, identify and explain an extrinsic concern of social networking over
the Internet. (4%) Which normative ethical theory can be applied to evaluate the extrinsic concern
you have identified? Explain. (4%)
Based on Greenfield’s remarks “social networking over the Internet seems to make the bullies
more powerful”, which kind of ethical analysis of technologies should be conducted, an alternative
analysis or a power analysis? Explain. (2%)
Task II Argument evaluation (5% each; 10%)
(a) Write a short evaluation passage (200-300 words) for the following argument. In your
passage you should clearly identify all premises and conclusion (1 %), indicate and
explain if the argument is valid or invalid (1.5%), identify a conceptual claim from the
passage (0.5%), explain if each of the premises are true/plausible/false/questionable
(1.5%), and conclude if it is a good or bad argument (0.5%).
If a form of bully is persistent, permanent and hard to notice, then it can be very harmful to the
victims. Cyberbullying is .bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers,
and tablets. As such, cyberbullying is persistent (as the bully can take place 24 hours/day),
permanent (as the on-line comments or photos cannot be removed by the victims, which can impact
the victims’ future life) and hard to notice (because teachers and caretakers may not overhear or
see cyberbullying taking place). Therefore, cyberbullying can be very harmful to the victims.
(b) Write a short evaluation passage (200-300 words) for the following argument. In your
passage you should clearly identify all premises and conclusion (1 % ), clearly indicate and
explain if the argument is strong or weak (2%), if each of the premises (are they
conceptual, normative or empirical claim?) are true/plausible/false/questionable (1.5%).
Conclude if it is a good or bad argument (0.5%).
Several studies have found a negative association between cellphone use and academic
performance (Judd, 2014: Ka,pinski, Kirschner, Ozer, Mellott, & Ochwo, 2013; Rosen, Carrier,
& Cheever, 2013).1 In i1 sample of 451 US college students, a study identified a negative
correlation between the use of social networking sites and GP A, and multitasking is a key factor
contributing to the negative correlation (Karpinski et al., 2013). Similar results were obtained
from studies on US university students, which revealed that use of Facebook and text messaging
while doing schoolwork or attending class were negatively related to college GPAs (Junco &
Cotten, 2012; Wood, et al., 2012).
2 One study3from the London School of Economics showed that
banning mobile phones in schools had a positive effect on test scores. So it is reasonable that if
one wishes to have better academic performance, then one should restrict the use of cellphone
during class time and schoolwork.