

DIRECTIONS: Revise and submit a 3-4 page essay (excluding works cited) in which you discuss the pandemic while interacting with the texts from this module. Draw directly on personal experience or generalize more broadly. Either way, use the New York Times article, the Readjustment Handbook, and the Hidden Brain podcast as sources. Address what was and what is or will be. Or discuss losses and gains. (Other frameworks require approval).

NOTE on PROCESS: The 2nd and 3rd drafts are where you approach a finished and polished product with any piece of writing. In this stage in the process, problems at the HIGHER ORDER should be resolved and revisions and finishing touches at the LOWER ORDER (sentence level) added. This list may seem like a lot, but improving a first draft can sometimes mean just one or two tweaks in each of the following areas.


Create a header that contains your name, class name, assignment name (Pandemic Essay), and date

Use 12 pt. + Times New Roman or other standard font

Use standard margins of 1″

Double space

Center your essay’s title (NOTE: Do not put quotes around your own title; unless you’re referring to some other title or quoted phrase)



CONTENT: Your 3-4 page essay should draw on the required texts and have a focus or theme per PANDEMIC ESSAY DESCRIPTION (HOC)/DRAFT :


Add a Conclusion if you haven’t done so yet

Add a in-text citations if you haven’t done so yet

End citations – Works Cited (MLA) or References (APA) – DO NOT count towards page length 20pointsTS/IS 1/ TS/IS TECHNIQUES: Of your 4 quotes from any combination of the 3 class 5 points



Techniques, & Diction

texts/sources ( 2 sources minimum) employ techniques (including heeding advice about what NOT to do) from Ch. 3 of the TS/IS: “The Art of Quoting.”

Frame quotations

Use templates Highlighting templates from TS/IS within your essay in YELLOW 2/ DICTION – use precise words (investigate synonyms where language feels basic)

Highlight at least 2 moments of precise or improved diction in YELLOW Sentence Style & Strategies

Pay attention to the following aspects of PARAGRAPH COHERENCE and FLOW (See Little Seagull and TS/IS Ch. 8: “Connecting the Parts”):


use key terms/nouns, pronouns, and pointing words in regular rotation throughout your essay. In particular, use key terms/nouns regularly;don’t over rely on pronouns; repetitive/overuse of pronouns is a good indication that you are not achieving this balance Within one of your paragraphs, highlight several key terms, nouns, pronouns, and pointing words in GREEN deliberately repeat sentence structures or elements strategically, for effect (includes parallel structure)

VARIETY – vary sentence length and syntax (word order); if sentences all begin the same way, that’s a good indication that you have not achieved adequate sentence variety

TRANSITIONS – if you don’t use transition words and phrases naturally,refer to Little Seagull, then add some here and there to improve paragraph flow Highlight at least 3 transitions in GREEN (lists in both LS and TS/IS Ch. 8) 6 points

(2 points per strategy)


Eliminate typos and problems with format (indentation, alignment, etc.) with a final read-through. One or two typos will not be penalized but multiple careless errors at the sentence level or errors in format will be. (See Little Seagull sample MLA or APA essays for guidance.) 4 points