
CS782 Assignment No. 5 ~ Expanding into new markets
EduOnline Corporation提供软件(教育平台),使机构能够向学生提供教育内容。 EduOnline客户的机构是公司,社区学院和大学。
在这种模式下,生产DVD和CD的制造成本以及部署和支持成本都很高。 EduOnline Corporation意识到需要降低成本,同时进行全球化并增加创建软件平台的利润。 EduOnline组织的所有员工都在美国。

• Disaster recovery
o Describe a disaster recovery plan specifically for the organization; Describe the investment the organization would make in disaster recovery. Outline the risks to the business and which ones would you address?
• Business continuity
o Describe a business continuity plan specifically for the organization. Describe the investment the organization would make in business continuity. How is your business continuity deployment different than your plans for disaster recovery?
For each section provide information which would describe a strategic plan and direction for the organization. Each section does not need to include a fully tactical outline, however, being descriptive as part of the strategy is a good idea.
Remember, to do research on how other organizations might have planned around the topics above and make sure to leverage the lecture notes and readings!
If you wish, you may add assumptions concerning the company, please make them clear in the beginning of the paper.
The content page limit on this assignment should a maximum of 10 pages, single or 1.5 spaced of 12-point font. This does not include supplemental materials such as references, introductions, etc. Appendices with the usual conditions are permitted. The average core content for this assignment is roughly 6-8 pages. However, we are far more concerned with the quality of your paper than the exact page length. Please refer to Module 0 for formatting and on how to write an executive level paper.
End with a list of references following the standard reference format, as described in References and Citations document.

Use the Ask Your Facilitator Discussion Board if you have any questions regarding the objectives of the assignment or how to approach the assignment.

Save your assignment as LastnameFirstname_assign5.doc and submit it in the Assignments section of the course.