

INFS6018 Managing Business Intelligence  

•“联合国Jocelyn” – Jocelyn在联合国工作,并热衷于改善有关野生动物交易爬行动物或哺乳动物(选择1)。
•“非营利性–野生动物保护慈善组织:露易丝” –露易丝为类似的慈善机构工作对世界自然基金会的大自然。 https://www.worldwildlife.org/路易丝(Louise)资源有限,因此只能专注于2个特定国家/地区之间的野生动植物贸易(您可以选择其中2个国家或地区)。
INFS6018管理商业智能学期1 2020
•“零售查理”-查理在澳大利亚的一家大型百货商店工作关系。他们出售许多产品,包括皮草,手袋,鞋子,皮革制品和皮带。 (在2-3个产品之间选择)。
, for example, returns only one or two values, will be considered trivial. For example, a question such as “What endangered species are imported into Australia” is considered to be trivial. On the other hand, non-trivial questions involve more than one dimension (see Step 2) and ideally have a potential to offer something interesting, insightful and even unexpected.

< name of persona> e.g United Nations Jocelyn e.g Wildlife Policy Advocate UN  Context of work  
< describe the societal context/ work/ role of this persona. Why  would this application be of interest?  
Key activities  
<describe the key activities relevant to this project> (e.g. United  Nations Jocelyn is concerned that there is little consistency in how  countries legislate for wildlife preservation and that policies may have become outdated  
Wants countries to cooperate  
Wants consistency in wildlife laws across countries  (harmonization)  
Wants laws to be relevant to current conditions  
Wants laws to consider future trends BI Questions  
Three questions United Nations Jocelyn would use the system to answer or demonstrate.  
Question 1:  
Question 2:  
Question 3:  
Figure 1: An Example Design Template  
Step 2: Harvest, Clean and Analyse Data  
In this step you need to analyse data-related needs of all personas in order to design a single multi-dimensional (MD) model of your data set, using the notation introduced in this unit.  
Guided by your MD model, you need to “harvest” data i.e. download relevant .xls data from  your main data source and store the resulting data records of the areas in which you are interested in Excel file. The resulting Excel file needs to show metadata of your multi- dimensional model. YOU have to determine which data you select – YOU DO NOT NEED IT  
A one major challenge you will face is to clean the data you download to ensure consistency  and correctness across your data files. The CITES database, for example, holds great value but as it has been built over many years you will find considerable data quality issues which  you must resolve. Note: you may or may not choose to use Tableau Prep to do this. No additional points are reserved for using Tableau Prep. Examples of issues you might face include:
Possible Solution  
Use of Latin names for species  
Find and replace in xls. with common name.  
See CITES Appendix  
Animals are not grouped appropriately for Define categories and place animals into your analytic purpose.  
meaningful groups for each persona’s analytical purposes. Justify the categorization in the report.  
Use different date standards (American Select one standard and ensure its applied (mm-dd-yy) vs European (dd-mm-yy) consistently across XLS. This can be done by formatting cells in xls.
Countries are not consistently named Find and replace in xls with common name E.g., U.K.,United Kingdome, Great  (Britain or U.S.A, U.S. or United States or  Germany and Deutschland.
Quantities are supplied in different but Find the lowest quantity and transfer all  
compatible measures (e.g., k.g., g, m.g.) quantities into this amount e.g. – k.g. to m.g.  
e.g., “comparing apples with apples”  
Quantities are supplied in different and Separate the two sets for analytical purposes  
incompatible measures or make some sensible assumptions* regarding comparisons and apply that assumption consistently across the dataset.  
You may need to make some assumptions regarding the data this is fine and usual, but all assumptions should be clearly outlined and justified (i.e., sensible) and included in the report see step 4. For example, Gross/net trade outputs tend to overestimate trade levels, as where different quantities have been reported by the importer and the exporter, the larger quantity is presented in the output” p. 9 CITES Trade Database User guide, version 8.  
This document further outlines how the database defines different fields.  
Note that Steps 1 and 2 are often iterative rather than sequential steps. In other words, design of your MD model and data collection in Step 1, may inspire new possibilities of interesting questions in Step 1, leading to additional data being collected (Step 2)  
Step 3: Design of a BI application to answer the stated questions  Using the Excel file from Step 3 import your data set into Tableau.  
Then proceed to use data visualisation features of Tableau to answer all questions for the three personas, as stated in your design templates (in Step 1). For each persona provide some recommendations based on your analysis to help them reach their goals.  
Note that Step 3 may initiate another cycle of iterative design, prompting you to go back to Steps 1 and 2 in order to expand or refine them.  
Step 4: Reflection-on-action  
This important step requires us to “step-back” and consider our design in broader organisational and societal context. For the purposes of this assignment, you are required to use the PAPA framework to identify and analyse any data related ethical issues that need to  
be considered in your project. Even if you think that your use of data and implementation of a  
BI application do not pose any ethical risks, you are still required to demonstrate your analysis  
of ethical issues using the PAPA framework (relevant documents are posted on Canvas).  
Reflect on the challenges you faced when cleaning the data.  
Step 5: Draw Conclusions  
Summarise findings and think how they can be actioned to help each persona reach their  
goals and what you would do next to help them. How would you operationalize the  
Deliverables: Project Files and Group Report  
Project Files (Excel and Tableau)  
All Excel and Tableau files created in this project need to be uploaded and stored under your  
Group folder in Canvas. These files will be used to verify and assess your work.  
The files need to be submitted by the deadline for your group report to be considered. Group  
reports submitted without corresponding files will not be marked.  
Important: Please do not submit your project files through TurnItIn, but upload them under  
your group folder on Canvas.  
Your group report needs to be submitted through TurnItIn and should include the following  
1. Introduction – a brief description of your project and its envisaged value for different  
communities of users (e.g. Why would anyone use your analysis?).  
2. Design templates for three personas (i.e. 3 tables) clearly showing the corresponding non-  
trivial questions (Step 1).  
3. A multi-dimensional model of your data set (one model), labelled as Figure 1, with all  
attributes listed and clearly defined in a separate table (Step 2) with discussion. As you are a  
consultancy servicing three clients (Jocelyn, Louise and Charlie) you should just create one  
star diagram will the dimensions for all three clients together.  
4.(. A sample of your resulting data set (i.e. the actual Excel records), depicted as Figure 2  
Step 2). To create this Figure, you may use print screen of the Excel file & paste it into a Word  
document. Note that the shown data set needs to correspond to the MD model.  
5. Visual answers for all stated questions (Step 3) – please use print-screen to capture your  
resulting Tableau outputs and provide them as Figures (one per questions).  
For example:  
5.1. Persona “United Nations Jocelyn”  
5.1.1. Question 1: <state the question>  
Visual Answer:  
provide print-screen of your answer>  
Figure A: A visual answer showing …  
Brief summary of results and their meaning and any assumptions  
INFS6018 Managing Business Intelligence  
Semester 1 2020  
5.1.2. Question 2: <state the question>  
Visual Answer:  
provide print-screen of your answer>  
Figure B: A visual answer showing …  
Brief summary of results and their meaning and any assumptions  
5.1.2. Question 3: <state the question>  
Visual Answer:  
provide print-screen of your answer>  
Figure C: A visual answer showing …  
Brief summary of results and their meaning and any assumptions  
5.1.4. Include a summative paragraph outlining some recommendations based on the previous data driven analysis (questions 1-3) to help each persona achieve their goals.  
5.2. Persona “Not for Profit – Wildlife Protection Charity: Louise”  
5.2.1. Question 1:  
and so on.  
7. Analysis of potential data-related ethical, and quality issues (Step 4)  
8. Conclusion: Summarise your lessons learned in this project (Step 5). What would you do differently next time? What would you do next if you had more time and money to make the  results more meaningful? Discuss the limitations of your analysis and how you would  overcome them if you had more time and money. Note: Limitations are not what you or your group personally found difficult but limitations in your analysis – perhaps because of data quality issues or because of limited access to certain data. Finally, consider what application your analysis might have to other stakeholders and what you would do next.  
9. References  
Assessment criteria for the Group Report (total 30 marks):  
Clear detailed problem analysis, well-developed personas  
Quality of questions for each persona  
Clear, correct and well-designed multidimensional model  
Well prepared and complete data set  
Well designed and appropriate visual answers to the stated questions, written  explanations and recommendations  
Appropriate analysis of the observed and/or potential ethical issues using the PAPA framework Evidence of a deeper level learning and independent thinking, as evident from the conclusions drawn and suggestions to operationalise the findings .  
Professional standards of overall presentation and consistent and detailed referencing style.  
Please comply with the Academic Honesty and plagiarism guidelines as set out in the unit  outline, and note the penalties for late assignments.