


Case studies are in-depth studies of situations or problems to be solved. They are used to communicate challenges and recommendations, in order to drive change. In this assessment, you will apply theories taught in class to a real work business scenario, helping you develop your analysis, problem-solving, and writing skills.

OLES2210 Learning outcomes:

  • ULO 1: Identify global, local and personal challenges in a post crisis world
  • ULO 2: Distinguish between different approaches and styles of leadership relevant to recovering, rebuilding and reimaging industries post-crisis.


In the case study you will identify either an industry or sector that needs to recover and share the strategies being deployed by industry/sector leadership to achieve this. What are the critical issues they face in that recovery? Who are the key players in leading the recovery? What are the different approaches and leadership styles being utilized? You can select one of the industries we have covered in class, or one that is of interest to you. The case study should have the following sections:

  1. Introduction to Industry/sector
  2. Description of the Industry/sector leaders
  3. Key challenges faced by these leaders during the crisis
  4. Reflection on the concepts of leadership in crisis

Additional Information 

Note: You will need to Illustrate your case study with examples from the unit, the wider literature and public discourse. however, you will probably not find all of this information in traditional academic literature.  Look through newspapers and public company documents etc. to supplement your academic literature findings. Ensure you accurately cite the material you use by access, by following the resources below (Scroll down to the bottom for the hyperlinks):

  • Marking Rubric— refer to this to understand how you will be assessed
  • Checklist: How to write a Case Study— use this to help you complete the task
  • Resource: Search smarter, search faster– use this for tips and tricks on effective searches
  • Resource: USyd Libguide: Industry Information
  • Video: Library Resources for Business
  • Resource: Using critical language – use this to help construct your arguments
  • Resource: USyd library self-paced module – How to find company and industry information

Assessment Checklist: How to write a Case Study 

Step 1: Pre-writing – Task Understanding

  • Copy this “Assessment Checklist: How to write a Case Study’ + paste it into the Notessection (top left of screen) in Cadmus. This way you will be able to tick off items as you complete them
  • Read the Checklistcarefully and tick off in notes as you go
  • Read the Marking Rubric(in resources)

Step 2: Pre-writing – Preliminary Research and case selection

  • Before you choose an industry or sector in need of recovery, consider:
    • What relevant industries/sectors have you learned about in class eg. week 5 workshop? ie Aviation, cultural industries, Physical retail, tourism, Education and training.
    • other industries you are interested in.
  • Do a quick search at the library to see how much informationthere is about these industries/sector
  • Based on your preliminary research, choose an industry/sector

If you wish to use an industry/sector other than the ones in workshop 5, please talk directly with your tutor to ensure it is appropriate.

Step 3: Pre-writing – Case Research

  • Optimise your case research by using the following resources:
    • Go to Resource: Search smarter, search fasterfor tips and tricks on effective searches
    • Watch Video: Library Resources for Business(available in Resources)
  • Using the library website and Resource: USyd Libguide: Industry Information, gather materials that will provide you with information on:
    • your chosen industry/sector
    • the key players in leading the recovery
    • the critical issues they face in the recovery
  • Gather relevant class materials
  • Skim, scan and survey all materials to identify key information

Step 4: Pre-writing – Identify Key Industry Leaders (approx 2-3)

  • Based on your research, identify 2-3 key industry players whoare leading the recovery
  • For each leader, take notes on:
    • Job title
    • Experience
    • Characteristics (that make them a good leader)
      • Consider how these leaders work and respond to the ‘VUCA’ space (week 6-7 workshops, and resource video titled ‘How to manage in a VUCA world” in resources)

Step 5: Pre-writing – Identify challenges faced by these leaders

  • Identify the critical issues faced by the leaders using this framework:
    • Problem: what is the primary problem? Secondary problems?
    • Evidence: what proof is there that these are the main issues?
    • Symptoms: what are the symptoms of these problems?
    • Relationship: how are the problems related? Independent? Related?
    • Results: what are the ramifications? Short term? Long term?
  • These should be the key challenges they faced during the crisis or in planning for recovery

Step 6:  Pre-writing Reflection on the concepts of leadership

  • Identify the strategies being deployed by the leaders in your chosen industry/sector to recover:
    • Alternatives: what are all the possible solutions?
    • Limitations: what limits are there on the possible solutions?
    • Suitability: are the solutions reasonable given the circumstances?
    • Costs: what are the costs? Advantages? Disadvantages?
    • Outcome: which possible solution best solves theproblem?

Step 7: Write your case study

  • Write your case study using this structure:
    • Introduction
      • Give some background to the case
      • Describe your chosen industry and why it needs to recover
        • Consider VUCA
      • Situate the case in the current OR past climate
    • Description of Industry/sector leaders (2-3)
      • Choose a suitable heading
      • For each leader, outline
        • Job title
        • Experience
        • Characteristics  – that make them a good leader
          • Consider how these leaders work and respond to the ‘VUCA’ space  (week 6-7 workshops, and resource video titled ‘How to manage in a VUCA world” in resources)
        • Cite (APA 7th) your academic literature etc. appropriately to support your ideas
      • Key challenges faced by these leaders during crisis
        • Choose a suitable heading
        • What are the key challenges the leaders faced during the crisis or in planning for recovery?
      • Reflections on concepts of leadership in crisis
        • Choose a suitable heading
        • Provide examples of how your leaders faced these challenges and discuss with critical commentary (use the resource – using critical language)
        • Cite (APA 7th) your academic literature etc. appropriately to support your ideas
      • Reference list

TIP: to avoid plagiarism, you must give credit if you use the work of others (see Referencing section in Cadmus Manual)

Step 8: Revise, edit and proofread

  • Edit and proofread your work carefully for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors
  • Ensure all citations match references
  • Go through the checklist again to ensure you have not missed any steps
  • Read your work critically to ensure you have addressed all aspects of the task

Step 9: Submit Final

  • Read the Marking Rubricagain to check that you have met the criteria
  • Submit your Case Study
  • Once graded, review feedback in MyOLES2210
分类: 澳洲代写