


  1. Country/Ethnic Group/City/Town, etc: Choose a contemporary African nation, ethnic group, town,city; or any topic/issue on Africa, about Africans or directly related to Africa and present either an overview (if it’s on the whole country) or an in-depth report on a specific issue/topic within the country that you have chosen. Your presentation may make use of the following questions and points as a guide.

Get as much information on your topic/country as possible, discuss them and share your opinion on/about them. If writing generally on a country, ethnic group or a community the points below may be helpful.

-Name(s), demographics (total population, birth and mortality rates, distribution of population, median age; health problems.

-Geographic features and environmental issues.

-Ethnic groups and languages (how many and which ones) – any internal relations issues.

-Economic statistics – GDP, main crops and exports, major/common occupations and professions, sources and distribution of income, imports, and exports.

-Political organization – form of government and leadership at federal and local levels.

-Relations with other nations, participation in international bodies

-Main facts and issues of pre-colonial era.

-Main facts and issues of colonial era – what foreign states were involved, to what extent, significant events, etc

-Important events since independence (post-colonial) – date of independence, any conflicts, major political figures, economic situation.

-What are some (if any) of the most important and noticeable development achievements of and/or challenges facing this country? What, if any, assets or advantages do they have?

  1. Specific subject on Africa: Any topic focusing on Africa’s political, historical, economic/financial,health, technological, arts, communication, and/or social issues, etc,
  1. African Personality: The life of a prominent personality in Africa’s history, politics, etc

NOTE: You feel free to choose any other topic. BUT you need to seek approval from the instructor.

Students are also free to choose their own topics outside of the suggested areas. If you are interested in any other topic or issues relating to Africa, which I encourage you to look into, please let me know.

Your report will be evaluated on the basis of clarity of expression, coverage of the questions, explanation of particular aspects, and connection of topic to broad issues, as we have been discussing them in class.

Please, see “Essay Marking & Class Participation Guidelines RUBRIC (AFST 250)” for evaluation rubric for an essay.