
Term Paper

Students will prepare an overview paper on a specific topic.

Review papers will summarize the major conceptual and empirical research relating to a specific issue, critically evaluate this research and identify what is needed for improvement, and describe the methods used for selecting and evaluating the research. Be sure you choose a topic for which there are enough published articles for you to review.

Term paper need to be 12-16 pages.

Presentation will be 20 mins

October 01: Students must choose topic and select a faculty member with whom to work. Students hand in a brief outline with specific aims and identification of the faculty.

November 05: Abstract/Outline due for term papers.

December 02: Final Term Paper Due

Topic list:

  1. Production of Health (Micro Models)
  2. Demand for healthcare services
  3. Supply for healthcare services
  4. Healthcare Reform I (Critique of U.S. System)
  5. Healthcare Reform II (Evaluations of Reforms)
  6. Economics of Vaccine Production and Distribution
  7. Social and Economic Determinants of Health
  8. Understanding Social and Economic Determinants of Health and Wellness Using Big Data
  9. Behavioral Economics; Addiction/Decision economics
  10. Women’s Health and Labor Market Participation
  11. Economic Development and Population Health in Low Income Countries